Generative Data Intelligence

tag: fjármála

Fed setur svið fyrir bandarískan stafrænan gjaldmiðil

Með því að lána víða til fyrirtækja, ríkja og borga hefur Seðlabanki Bandaríkjanna breytt hlutverki seðlabankans í grundvallaratriðum og lagt...

SEC Moves to Nullify the Blockchain Association’s Contributions to Its Kik Case 

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and social media company Kik are locked in a tight battle concerning the fate of...

Report: Blockchain to Increase Royalty Streams to Artists in the Digital Music Industry

The transition of royalty payments into the blockchain should empower artists in the music industry by increasing their bargaining power for asking higher...

Credit union leverages data to launch COVID-19 products

Sound Credit Union is leveraging the data of its members to understand how their banking behaviors and needs are shifting during the pandemic,...

CipherTrace Launches A New Product to Help Banks Eliminate “Blind Spots”

April 28, CipherTrace launches Armada, a product designed to eliminate risky cryptocurrency blind spots for banks and financial institutions.Unlike other products by CipherTrace...

Remote Crypto and Blockchain Job Openings Surged 42.86% in March Amid COVID-19 Layoffs

Millions of people around the world have lost their jobs as a result of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. However, a new...

Facing Mounting Regulation, BitMex Closes Japan Service

BitMex, one of the world’s biggest crypto derivatives exchanges, announced on April 28 that it will close services to Japan residents starting May...

How One Bank-Fintech Partnership is Working for Small Businesses

It’s no secret that small businesses have been struggling to secure funds with the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). Banks have wrestled not...

Simply the Best: Finovate Celebrates Fintech’s Brightest Lights

Time is running out … you have less than 30 days to submit your nomination for the Second Annual Finovate Awards in order...

Bitcoin Price Prediction: BTC/USD Breakdown Below $7,821 Looms, Can Bulls Bounce Back?

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction – April 28BTC/USD is struggling to recover above $7,800 but the coin remains at a risk of a breakdown...

British Payment Firm Checkout.​com Joins the Libra Association

In a fresh move to revive Facebook-backed digital currency project Libra, the Libra Association has onboarded another member.British payment startup has joined...

ML útskýringar með Amazon SageMaker Debugger

Machine Learning (ML) hefur áhrif á atvinnugreinar um allan heim, allt frá fjármálaþjónustuiðnaði (FSI) og framleiðslu til sjálfstýrðra farartækja og geimkönnunar. ML er ekki lengur bara eftirsóknartækni sem er eingöngu fyrir fræða- og rannsóknarstofnanir; það hefur þróast yfir í almenna tækni sem hefur möguleika á að gagnast samtökum af öllum stærðum. Hins vegar skortir […]

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