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tag: fintech

FinTech tengist… við Paul Cobban, gagna- og umbreytingarstjóra, DBS B…

Paul Cobban þarfnast lítillar kynningar, hann hefur verið miðpunktur þess að breyta DBS í besta stafræna risann í sínum flokki. Hann mun...

FinTech tengist… við Luke Massie, forstjóra, Vibe Tickets

Greiðslur eru að fara inn í verulegt breytingatímabil. Flettasvið greiðsluvistkerfisins er að breytast. Reiðufé hefur átt sinn dag, opið...

Facebook Unveils Plans for Global Cryptocurrency

Facebook has announced plans for a global cryptocurrency as part of its wider push to expand into eCommerce and payments. The Libra currency has...

The Good, The Bad and The Libra – Are We Now Exiting The Blockchain Wild Wild We…

What was once considered avant-garde is now considered normal, boring even. Societies are scared of change and tend to embrace it reluctantly, if...

SCA frestað – Greiðsluárásinni hefur verið seinkað

Í fótspor Brexit hefur greiðsluástandinu verið seinkað. Fjármálaeftirlitið (FCA) tilkynnti á þriðjudag að það myndi fresta...

SCA – Sense Prevails?

After 15 months of banging the drum at any industry event I was speaking at, it finally looks as if we’re getting a...

FinTech Connects… with Leon Muis, Chief Business Officer, Yolt

Leon Muis is Chief Business Officer at Yolt. Yolt are the smart money platform behind the award-winning app & Europe’s leading open banking...

Gleðilega 4. júlí helgi - Hver í Bandaríkjunum er að breyta fjármálum?

Gleðilegan 4. júlí Jæja allt í lagi þegar þetta verður birt verður það 5.… En það er engin ástæða til að hætta að fagna… og…

Not All Friction is Bad

This article has been authored by NS8 The most common misconception merchants have about friction is that it's terrible for the customer experience and...

FinTech Connects… with Brooke Navarro, Head of Business Development & Capital…

We have had the pleasure to connect with Brooke Navarro, Head of Business Development & Capital Markets, at tZERO. tZERO is the global...

FinTech Connect 2019: 5,000 financial leaders have already confirmed their atten…

From ABN AMRO to Zenith Bank, FinTech Connect 2019 is truly the A-Z of financial technology and there are now just 6 weeks...

FICO for Fintech: Advanced Analytic Services (Executive Brief)

Widen analytic advantage and accelerate innovation Fintechs and challenger banks have put a dent in the...

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