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UP Fintech laðar að sér meteignir, tvöfaldar reikningsstöðu árið 2023

UP Fintech Holding Limited (NASDAQ: TIGR), rekstraraðili Tiger Brokers viðskiptamerkja, hefur tilkynnt óendurskoðaða fjárhagsuppgjör sitt fyrir fjórða ársfjórðung og árið 4 í heild sinni.

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Fjárhagsáætlun sambandsins 2023: Helstu hápunktar fyrir sprotafyrirtæki, lítil og meðalstór fyrirtæki og fyrirtæki (Karunakar Mohapatra)

Nirmala Sitharaman fjármálaráðherra lagði fram fjárhagsáætlun sambandsins 2023-2024. Eins og fyrri fjárlög sambandsins, er á þessu fjárhagsári lögð áhersla á þróun án aðgreiningar (fjárhagsleg þátttöku lítilla...

Economics Partners stækkar sérfræðiþekkingu á háþróaðri viðskiptamati með Kevin Yeanoplos

-Hlutverk tækniráðgjafa dýpkar háþróaða verðmatsgreiningu í lagalegum deilum, hlutabréfaeignaráætlanir starfsmanna, gjafa-/eignaviðskipti, samruna og yfirtökur og fleira- SALT LAKE CITY–(VIÐSKIPTI...

This Crypto Exchange Terminates Half Of Its Employees Amid Bear Market

The crypto world has had its fair share of drama as the bear market bites down on the entire landscape. In addition, global inflation...

Aussie Crypto Exchange segir upp næstum helmingi starfsmanna sinna

The Australian cryptocurrency platform Swyftx laid off 90 of its employees, representing around 40% of its total workforce. CEO Alex Harper assured the company...

Germany’s VC industry is ready to take off, but bureaucrats need to release the handbrake

Uwe Horstmann Contributor Uwe Horstmann is co-founder and partner of the Berlin-based venture capital firm Project A...

UP Fintech Proposes Public Offering of American Depositary Shares

Citigroup, Morgan Stanley, and Tiger Brokers (NZ) Limited were announced as the joint bookrunners for the offering.

Cake Equity teams up with global tech unicorns to Pledge 1%

Gold Coast-based equity management platform Cake Equity has joined tech behemoths like DocuSign, Salesforce, Slack, Atlassian and Canva to Pledge 1% –...

U.S. Unicorn Carta Sets up New Singapore Office to Kick off Asian Expansion Plans

Carta, a California-based startup that offers capitalisation table management and valuation software, announced that it has set up a new Singapore office to...

Qapita, a developer of equity management software for startups, raises $5M led by MassMutual

  Qapita’s co-founders. Fom left to right: Vamsee Mohan, Ravi Ravulaparthi and Lakshman Gupta Qapita, a Singapore-based fintech that provides capitalization table and employee...

India’s BharatPe Nears Unicorn Status; A Look at Fintech in MENA

In a Series D round led by existing investor Coatue Management, Indian financial services company BharatPe has secured $108 million in new...

First equity tokens generated according to the Liechtenstein Token Act by Amazing Blocks

Source: Amazing Blocks is the first company to tokenize equity according to the Liechtenstein Token Act. With the first tokenized shares of a legal...

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