Generative Data Intelligence

tag: celsíus

Tölvutengd veðurspá: Nýtt reiknirit gengur betur en stórtölvukerfi

Vaxandi vöxtur í tölvuvinnsluorku sem sést hefur undanfarin 60 ár gæti brátt stöðvast. Flókin kerfi eins og...

Tether [USDT] er í samstarfi við keðjugreiningu til að koma í veg fyrir peningaþvætti

Chainalysis, blockchain greiningarfyrirtæki, hefur tilkynnt formlegt samstarf milli þess og Tether. Fyrirtækið mun geta fylgst með táknunum...

Ethereum [ETH] Targets 0.025 BTC As Golden Cross Forms On The Hourly Charts

Ethereum (ETH) hourly charts against Bitcoin signals a bullish move in the coming days. The ETH/BTC pair forming a golden cross on the...

Childhood Friends Battle Over Ownership of North America’s Largest Bitcoin Mine

Just four years ago, two lifelong friends from New Orleans turned a small initial investment into the largest crypto miner in North America....

Bill Gates says the best way to help poorer countries fight climate change is to make sure they’re healthy enough to survive it

Bill Gates says the best way to help poorer countries tackle climate change is to make sure they're healthy enough to survive it.Gates...

Crypto Companies Adopt Features Similar to Banks (Only Better) to Drive Growth

Cryptocurrency exchange Deribit recently published an analysis explaining that cryptocurrency companies are racing to adopt financial services known from legacy finance. The post points...

Genesis Crypto útlánafyrirtæki slær nýtt met í uppruni lána á fjórða ársfjórðungi 4

Útlánafyrirtækið Genesis lauk fjórða ársfjórðungi 2019 með metháum árangri í stofnun lána frá því það...

Celsius to Begin Offering Compounding Interest on Crypto Deposits

Cryptocurrency lending and borrowing platform Celsius announced that it would be implementing compounding interest on cryptocurrencies deposited in its wallet, starting Feb. 1....

Framlegðarlán: Fáðu bestu vextina á lánamarkaði fyrir dulritunargjaldmiðla

Útlán dulritunargjaldmiðla hefur verið áhugaverður geiri að fylgjast með síðastliðið ár þar sem nýjum vörum hefur fjölgað á markaðnum....

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