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tag: BnkToTheFuture

iFinex býður fórnarlömbum Bitfinex hakks upp á $150 milljóna hlutabréfakaup: Skýrsla

Árið 2016 var þeim sem urðu fórnarlamb Bitfinex hakksins veitt iFinex hlutabréf sem bætur, þar sem dulritunargjaldmiðilinn skorti nægilegt fjármagn til að...

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Dulritunartrygging enn erfitt að vinna úr, segja innherjar - CryptoCurrencyWire

Tryggingarveitendur dulritunargjaldmiðils eyða umtalsverðum tíma í að ákveða hvort þeir eigi að tryggja dulritunarfyrirtæki og næstum enginn þeirra býður upp á vernd fyrir...

Simon Dixon tapar 8.8 milljónum dollara Bitcoin á Celsius Network

Simon Dixon tweeted that Celsius Network has stolen $8.8 million worth of bitcoin from him. He also mentioned the involvement of Alex Mashinsky in...

Lekið tilboð: Binance, Galaxy Digital meðal leynilegra tilboðsgjafa í Celsíus eignir

Að minnsta kosti fimm fyrirtæki lögðu tilboð í dulritunareignir Celsius Network, þar á meðal Binance, Bank To The Future og Galaxy Digital, samkvæmt upplýsingum sem lekið var...

Celsius vill framlengja kröfufrest eftir því sem þóknun lögfræðinga hækkar

Gjaldþrota dulritunarlánveitandi Celsius Network ætlar að leggja fram tillögu sem myndi lengja frest notenda til að leggja fram kröfur sínar með öðrum...

DOJ er á móti endurupptöku á Celsius-úttektum

.Dómsmálaráðuneyti Bandaríkjanna (DOJ) hefur lýst því yfir að það muni ekki leyfa Celsius að opna aftur úttektir fyrir viðskiptavini sína fyrr en opinber skoðun...

FDT receives $2.15M bridge funding to introduce crypto card payment rails in Asia

CryptoNinjas » FDT receives $2.15M bridge funding to introduce crypto card payment rails in Asia

First Digital Trust (FDT), an Asia-based qualified custodian and trustee capable of holding both traditional and digital assets, announced it has secured $2.15 million in funding to bring a digital asset payment service upgrade to the region. The convertible note round, led by private investors including Nogle, has enabled FDT to launch a debit and […]

CryptoNinjas » FDT receives $2.15M bridge funding to introduce crypto card payment rails in Asia

Bitcoin NFT Game Infinite Fleet Raises $7.2 Million So Far

Polyient Ventures’ new $500K investment pushes the space combat game’s tally to new heights as it aims to help Bitcoin gaming NFTs take flight.

FDT onboards Fireblocks to improve crypto-asset security for Asian market

CryptoNinjas » FDT onboards Fireblocks to improve crypto-asset security for Asian market

First Digital Trust (FDT), an Asia-based multi-asset custodian to the world’s largest investment community, BnkToTheFuture, will integrate Fireblocks’ MPC-based digital asset infrastructure to meet the increasing demand from fintech companies seeking custodial solutions in Asia. As the first custodian in Asia to leverage Fireblocks’ next-generation multi-party computational (MPC) custody technology, FDT will further enhance its […]

CryptoNinjas » FDT onboards Fireblocks to improve crypto-asset security for Asian market

Nexo yfirmaður: Bitcoin Boomers flykkjast til hálf-miðstýrðra fjármálakerfa

In 2020, crypto assets have outperformed gold and equities. Stocks have seen a lot of volatility leading up to the 2020 US...

Hackers are Stepping Up the Pace of Hacking Cryptocurrencies. Protect Your Safety

Jun 25, 2020 at 08:15 // News Despite all the efforts of cyber security experts who are constantly developing...

Ethereum-Based Celsius Network Bags $10 Million Funding from Tether

Controversial stablecoin Tether is leading a $10 million investment in lending platform Celsius network, the latter announced on June 23. Expanding Product Suite Celsius is...

Celsius Network Sells Two-Thirds of $15m Equity Offering on First Day

Pioneering decentralized finance (DeFi) application Celsius Network has launched an equity offering through Bnktothefuture. As of this writing, the campaign has raised over $10.7...

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