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tag: Sjálfstæðisyfirlýsing

Bitcoin Ordinals Stærðarmet brotið aftur - hversu mikið stærri geta þeir orðið? - Afkóða

Bitcoin Ordinals and Runes pallur OrdinalsBot hefur búið til stærstu Ordinals áletrunina hingað til, sem vegur 3.969 megabæti. Áletrun númer 70,614,708,...

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Independence Day Crypto Casino bónus 2023 | BitcoinChaser

Það er kominn tími til að halda upp á sjálfstæðisdaginn, en ekki þann sem Will Smith leikur í. Independence Day er árlegur frídagur sem haldinn er hátíðlegur í Bandaríkjunum 4. júlí. ...

Haltu upprunalegu PDF-sniði til að skoða þýdd skjöl með Amazon Textract, Amazon Translate og PDFBox | Amazon vefþjónusta

Fyrirtæki í ýmsum atvinnugreinum búa til, skanna og geyma mikið magn af PDF skjölum. Í mörgum tilfellum er efnið textaþungt og oft skrifað í...

Bitcoin And The Cardinal Virtues: How The Rabbit Hole Instills Virtuous Behavior

This is an opinion editorial by Mitchell Askew, a Christian, conservative Bitcoiner who produces Bitcoin-related research and social media content for Blockware Solutions.“You don’t...

Independence Day: Why America’s Founders Would Be Bitcoiners

Introduction: A Republic Built On Hard MoneyOn July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence, marking the United States’ formal succession...

July 4th Is A Reminder To Declare Monetary Independence And Protect Freedom By Using Bitcoin

This is an opinion editorial by Mickey Koss, a West Point graduate with a degree in economics. He spent four years in the Infantry...

We Need To Declare Our Independence From The Federal Reserve

This is an opinion editorial by Joe Moffett, a contributor at Bitcoin Magazine.The Democrat and Republican parties have been wielding social movements as weapons...

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