Generative Data Intelligence

tag: Reikningur

Hvers vegna SME Banking er risastór ónýttur markaður

Þegar ég stofnaði The Disruptive Group á síðasta ári var eitt af mínum fyrstu verkum – eins og allir frumkvöðlar – að opna banka...

Linda Healthcare Infuses A.I. and Blockchain to build Crypto Health Insurance

Over the past few years, more and more people have recognized the power of the blockchain to transform industries. In the over regulated,...

ICO er útskýrt

"ICO". "Blockchain". „Stafrænt veski“. "Dulkóðun". "Bitcoin". „Tákn“. „SAFT“. Vá, skammstafanirnar eru svolítið yfirþyrmandi. Einfaldum hlutina... „Fyrstu myntútboð“ (ICO) er ekki...

WordPress Roulette

Reading Time: 3 minutes WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS, requires web admins to perform a massive amount of time and effort to maintain...

WordPress Roulette | Comodo News and Internet Security

Reading Time: 3 minutes WordPress, the world’s most popular CMS, requires web admins to perform a massive amount of time and effort...

The bank that’s apparently so cool it has become a chat up line in London’s bars

The future of banking fits in the palm of your hand! But is it all that new? Image: monzo By Liza Hearon2017-10-26 15:02:10...

Now We Are All Just Numbers – Comodo News and Internet Security Information

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe are all just numbers now, but maybe there is a better way.Today all commerce is ecommerce. Your identity...

Nú erum við öll bara tölur

Reading Time: 3 minutesWe are all just numbers now, but maybe there is a better way. Today all commerce is ecommerce. Your identity is...

Láttu myndbandaefnið þitt verða alþjóðlegt frá 1. degi með Unbabel fyrir myndband

You’ve probably realised that online video is literally everywhere. Facebook, Twitter and of course YouTube itself. And the numbers are quite astonishing. According to...

Equifax býður upp á ókeypis lánalása fyrir lífstíð

In the wake of the Equifax breach the shakeups and changes are continuing. The CEO ‘retired’ last week and is being...

The top 3 lessons that we can learn from Equifax Hack

Reading Time: 3 minutesFor those of us who have a credit report, there’s a good chance that our sensitive personal information was...

3 lexíur sem við getum öll lært af Equifax hakkinu

Lestrartími: 3 mínútur Fyrir okkur sem erum með lánshæfismatsskýrslu eru miklar líkur á að viðkvæmar persónuupplýsingar okkar hafi verið afhjúpaðar...

Nýjasta upplýsingaöflun


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