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tag: Forsetakosningar í Bandaríkjunum 2020

Lögmál skiptingarinnar: eðlisfræðingar rannsaka pólun stjórnmálaskoðana – Eðlisheimur

Um allan heim virðast ólíkar fylkingar samfélagsins vera reiðari og sundraðar en nokkru sinni fyrr. En eins og Anna Demming útskýrir,...

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SANCTIONS ALERT: Russian Crypto-Related Designations for US Election Interference

SANCTIONS UPDATE: On April 15, 2021, the US Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) sanctioned 16 individuals and 16...

How To Make Your Own NFT and Get Crazy Rich

Disgraced former Decrypt journalist Ben Munster cashes in on the NFT craze. Here's how he did it.

Getur Blockchain-undirstaða atkvæðagreiðsla tryggt sanngjarnar og jafnar kosningar?

Í ljósi núverandi vandamála sem standa frammi fyrir kosningum í Bandaríkjunum, skoðar BeInCrypto gildi blockchain atkvæðagreiðslu og hvort það sé lausnin á sanngjörnu kosningakerfi. Lýðræðislegar kosningar eru alvarlegur og mikilvægur atburður fyrir land. Með atkvæðagreiðslu hafa borgarar vald til að hafa áhrif á lífsgæði sem þeir […]

The staða Getur Blockchain-undirstaða atkvæðagreiðsla tryggt sanngjarnar og jafnar kosningar? birtist fyrst á BeInCrypto.

Trickbot Botnet Response Highlights Partnerships Preventing US Election Interference

Recent efforts by USCYBERCOM and Microsoft to disrupt the Trickbot botnet highlight the importance of partnerships in successful malware botnet disruption.The United States...

Nexo yfirmaður: Bitcoin Boomers flykkjast til hálf-miðstýrðra fjármálakerfa

Árið 2020 hafa dulmálseignir staðið sig betur en gull og hlutabréf. Hlutabréf hafa séð mikið flökt fram að 2020 Bandaríkjunum ...

Why The Upcoming US Election is Bitcoin’s Biggest Risk

Bitcoin broke up through $12,000 but is now crashing. Gold set a new all-time high but has...

Dark Reading Video News Desk snýr aftur í Black Hat

UPPFÆRT: Kemur til þín forupptekið fyrir framan vandlega raðaða bókaskápa um allan heim ...!UPPFÆRT 6. ágúst 2020 -- Venjulega er myrkrið...

Wells Fargo Warns Of Stock Shock From Biden Win, How Would Bitcoin Behave?

Past data shows that Bitcoin bull market breakouts typically happen following a US Presidential Election. However, Democratic party...

Study of global hackers and the economics of security research

Human ingenuity supported by actionable intelligence were found to be critical ingredients to maintaining a resilient infrastructure, Bugcrowd reveals. In fact, 78% of...

The Fed’s Latest Stimulus Is Ironically Fueling Bitcoin’s Continued Rise

News that the Trump administration is considering a second round of economic stimulus has caused markets to surge,...

Twitter test asks you to open an article before you share it

It’s not surprising that Twitter would explore a feature like this. The company is stepping up its fight against misinformation as the 2020...

Irony or Crushing The Competition? Facebook Continues To Block Crypto Ads, Despite Libra Effort

At the height of the crypto hype bubble, Facebook, Google, and other tech giants made an effort to block cryptocurrency-related advertisements and promotions...

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