Generative Data Intelligence

tag: APT

Mitsubishi Electric discloses June 2019 breach; Tick hacking group reportedly blamed

Japanese manufacturer Mitsubishi Electric has acknowledged its discovery last June of a data breach perpetrated by an unauthorized third party that accessed...

Report: FBI issues alert after two municipalities hacked via SharePoint

The FBI this month reportedly issued an alert to its private industry partners, warning that a probable nation-state hacking group had recently...

APT40 hacking group linked to 13 alleged front companies in Hainan, China

The mysterious research group Intrusion Truth has unleashed a new series of reports claiming that 13 businesses based in the southern island province...

Razzle-dazzle and AI Autonomous Cars

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider We generally think of camouflage as a means to blend into the surroundings. Many animals...

Bahraini oil company reportedly attacked by new ‘Dustman’ disk wiper

Bapco, the national oil company of the Persian Gulf island nation of Bahrain, was reportedly targeted in a Dec. 29 disk wiper attack...

Illgjarnar vefsíður Thallium Hacking Group raktar og fjarlægðar af Microsoft

Veflénin sem lagt var hald á voru notuð til að senda vefveiðapóst og hýsa vefveiðarsíður. Meðal fórnarlambanna voru ríkisstarfsmenn, hugveitur, háskólastarfsmenn,...

Hið fullkomna hæfileikasett til að vera farsæll gagnafræðingur

Hvað ef við segjum að þetta sé fullkominn tími til að vera gagnafræðingur? Margar vinnusíður birta í auknum mæli þörf fyrir...

Þýðing án frumrits: jafn stórt bókmenntahneyksli og Bítlarnir

No second chances.These three words serve as a translator’s koan. They loom largest in the minds of literary translators, who set out to...

Fifteen shades of brand: the psychology of consumer behavior

Is loyalty the same as a deep love for something? I don’t want to bring the “L” word into things but I guess...

The revolution will be emojified: striving for truly representative emoji

The first Emojicon took place in San Francisco, in November 2016. Emojicon is Emojination’s flagship gathering, a community that hopes, and I quote,...

Nýtt upphaf

08 Jan 2019 Nýtt upphaf Merki: fintech, MiddleGame Ventures, áhættufjármagn í Óflokkað eftir Pascal Bouvier ...

Survival of the fittest: are BPOs ready to evolve?

The most successful businesses respond to market pressures much in the same way Darwin’s famous Galápagos finches responded to food scarcity: adapt or...

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