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Markaðir klifra þegar Hong Kong samþykkir Cryptocurrency ETFs - CryptoCurrencyWire


Hong Kong has approved its inaugural exchange-traded funds (ETFs) monitoring digital currencies Ether and Bitcoin, marking a significant milestone for the region. This move positions Hong Kong as the first country in Asia to offer such products following the United States’ introduction of the pioneering Bitcoin spot ETFs in January.

Samkvæmt different social-media platforms, several investment managers revealed they received preliminary consent from Hong Kong’s Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) to commence launching the ETFs.

Notably, at least three offshore Chinese asset management entities have signaled their intentions to roll out spot ETFs imminently. Among these are the Hong Kong divisions of Harvest Fund Management and a collaboration between Hashkey Capital and Bosera Asset Management. Additionally, China Asset Management’s Hong Kong arm announced regulatory clearance and expressed commitment to developing crypto offerings.

However, while social-media statements hinted at approvals, the SFC has yet to issue an official statement on the matter. Some posts on social media, wherein companies announced their approvals, have been removed subsequently.

Ether and Bitcoin experienced respective increases of approximately 6% and 3%, with each surpassing $3,250 and $66,000, respectively. The buzz surrounding Hong Kong’s decision stimulated interest in these tokens and the broader cryptocurrency market, initiating a recovery after a lackluster weekend.

Escalating tensions in the Middle East had initially dampened market sentiment causing Ether and Bitcoin prices to plummet, alongside the overall market. Although it can be challenging to understand rallies in the crypto market, the sector is infamously unpredictable and frequently goes against conventional financial market logic.

The crypto market, led by Ether and Bitcoin, has demonstrated remarkable resilience this year, rebounding from previous crashes and notable setbacks. The approval of crypto ETFs, coupled with anticipation of a Bitcoin halving-induced supply shortage, has fueled investor optimism, driving prices upward.

In January, the U.S. SEC’s authorization of Bitcoin ETFs sparked heightened interest in the asset class. Enthusiasts are hopeful for similar approval for ether-based products soon, although industry insiders remain cautious about the prospects of ether spot ETFs receiving regulatory clearance in the U.S.

Currently, the total crypto market capitalization stands at $2.54 trillion, reflecting a nearly 4% increase over the past few days. Bitcoin dominates the market with a capitalization of $1.3 trillion, representing more than one-half of the entire crypto market. Following Bitcoin, Ether holds a significant share, comprising approximately 15% of the crypto market with a total value of approximately $390 billion.

As more jurisdictions around the world welcome crypto ETFs, other industry actors such as Bit Mining Ltd. (NYSE: BTCM) could ride on that favorable wave to deepen their market penetration.

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