Generative Data Intelligence

Leiðbeiningar um forgangsröðun fyrir söluteymi


In the fast-paced world of sales and marketing, understanding and managing leads is like finding and nurturing hidden treasures. Every lead is a potential customer, but not all leads are created equal. Some are ready to make a decision, while others need more time or information.

Þetta er þarna Lead Prioritization comes into play. It’s the science of ranking leads based on how likely they are to convert into customers. Just imagine being able to pinpoint which leads are the most promising, allowing your sales team to focus their efforts where they’re most likely to succeed.

We will discuss lead prioritization in this blog, and see how sales teams can create and implement lead prioritization frameworks from scratch. We’ll also explore how Nanonets Workflows can revolutionize this crucial process. We’ll see how workflow automation can streamline your sales efforts, ensuring that your team is not just working hard, but also working smart.

Hvernig gengur lífið dag frá degi? Er það í jafnvægi og allt eins og það á að vera? Er jafnvægi hvort sem litið er á veraldlega stöðu eða andlega? Lífið er eins og það er. Það er ekki alltaf sólskyn. Það koma reglulega lægðir með rok og rigningu. Við vitum að í heildar samhenginu er lægð hluti af vistkerfi að leita að jafnvægi. Stundum erum við stödd í miðju lægðarinnar. Þar er logn og gott veður, sama hvað gengur á þar sem stormurinn er mestur. Sama lögmál gildir varðandi þitt eigið líf. Ef þú ert í þinn miðju, þínum sannleik þá heldur þú alltaf jafnvægi átakalaust. Sama hvað gustar mikið frá þér þegar þú lætur til þín taka. Huldufólk hefur gefið okkur hugleiðslu sem hjálpar okkur að finna þessa miðju, finna kjarna okkar og sannleikann sem í honum býr. Þegar þú veist hver þú ert og hvers vegna þú ert hér, mun líf þitt vera í flæðandi jafnvægi. Hugleiðslan virkjar þekkinguna sem er í vitund jarðar og færir hana með lífsorkunni inn í líkama okkar. Þar skoðar hún hugsana og hegðunar munstrið og athugar hvort það myndar átakalausu flæðandi jafnvægi. Hinn möguleikinn er falskt jafnvægi sem hafa þarf fyrir að viðhalda með tilheyrandi striti, áhyggjum og ótta. Síðan leiðbeinir þessi þekking okkur að því jafnvægi sem er okkur eðlilegt. Við blómstrum átakalaust, líkt og planta sem vex átakalaut frá fræi í fullþroska plöntu sem ber ávöxt.

Lead prioritization is the backbone of efficient sales and marketing strategies. It involves evaluating and ranking leads based on their likelihood to convert into customers. This process not only improves efficiency but also increases the effectiveness of sales efforts by targeting the right prospects at the right time.

Hvers vegna er það mikilvægt?

  1. Aukin skilvirkni: By focusing on high-potential leads, teams can use their time and resources more effectively.
  2. Hærra viðskiptahlutfall: Prioritized leads are more likely to convert, boosting the overall success rate.
  3. Betri upplifun viðskiptavina: Tailoring the approach based on lead readiness improves customer interactions and satisfaction.

Lead scoring is typically used to perform for prioritizing leads. At its core, it involves assigning a numerical score to each lead, typically on a scale from 1 to 100, to gauge their likelihood of making a purchase.

Nútíma leiðaskorunaraðferðir fela nú í sér blöndu af skýr og óbein stigamælingar, og getur einnig fellt inn spá í stigagjöf til að byggja upp ramma sem kemur að nákvæmum leiðaskorum fyrir þínar. 

  • Skýr stigagjöf felur í sér að nota áþreifanlegar upplýsingar eins og starfsheiti, stærð fyrirtækis eða atvinnugrein.
  • Óbein stig eru byggð á hegðunargögnum eins og vefsíðuheimsóknum, þátttöku í tölvupósti eða niðurhali á efni.
  • Forspárskor virkar sem lag á hefðbundnum skýrum og óbeinum aðferðum. Forspárskor getur - 
    • notaðu gervigreind á gögnum í kringum núverandi viðskiptavini þína og samþykktu og höfnuðu ábendingar þínar, til að gefa forystustig.
    • nota LLM til að koma í stað huglægra ákvarðanatökuverkefna í verkflæði leiðandi stiga.

Automate lead prioritization with our AI-driven workflows, designed by Nanonets for you and your teams.

How to Create a Lead Prioritization Framework

Let’s explore how a sales team can go about creating a lead prioritization framework from scratch.

1. Choose a Lead Scoring Method

Let’s talk about some common ways to score potential customers, which you can use as a lead scoring method in your framework.

Skýrar aðferðir til að skora forystu

These methods use clear and direct information, like demographics, to judge how good a lead is.

BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeframe)

Budget: Checks if the lead has enough money to buy.

Authority: Sees if the contact can decide to buy.

Þarftu: Finds out if the lead actually needs your product or service.

Tímarammi: Looks at when the lead plans to buy.

Hvernig það virkar -

  • A lead fills out an online form.
  • The form’s info is enhanced to learn more about the lead’s company and role.
  • The CRM then scores the lead based on BANT, using rules on this extra info.
  • Leads with high authority and urgent need get higher scores.
  • The CRM updates the lead’s score, marking them as important for the sales team.

Firmographic Scoring

Scores leads based on company details like size, industry, location, and revenue. It’s great for business-to-business sales.

Hvernig það virkar -

  • A lead is found on LinkedIn.
  • Company info is enhanced for more details.
  • The CRM scores the lead based on set firmographic criteria.
  • This score helps in sorting leads for specific marketing plans.

ANUM (Authority, Need, Urgency, Money)

Similar to BANT but adds urgency to the mix.

Hvernig það virkar -

  • A lead takes part in a webinar.
  • Their engagement and questions are analyzed for urgency and need.
  • Their role and company are reviewed for authority and budget.
  • The CRM scores the lead based on these factors, favoring those with immediate needs and the ability to buy.

Óbeina leiðaskorunaraðferðir

These methods look at how a potential customer behaves and interacts with your brand to determine their interest.

Engagement Scoring

Tracks how leads interact with your content, website, and marketing.

Hvernig það virkar -

  • A lead often checks marketing emails and important website pages.
  • Their actions are tracked and scored based on engagement.
  • The CRM updates their score automatically.
  • Highly engaged leads are noted for the sales team.

Content Interaction Scoring

Leads are scored based on their interaction with content like blogs, whitepapers, or videos.

Hvernig það virkar -

  • A lead reads detailed blogs and watches tutorial videos.
  • These interactions are tracked and scored.
  • This info is added to the CRM, increasing the lead’s score.
  • Leads involved with detailed content are considered high potential.

Forspáraðferðir til að skora forystu

These methods use AI and machine learning along with traditional methods.

LLM based Lead Scoring

Uses language models to help with scoring in explicit methods like BANT.

Machine Learning-Based Scoring

Analyzes past lead data to find patterns of successful leads. Scores new leads based on how similar they are to these successful profiles.

More on these will be covered later. For our example, let us choose the BANT framework in this step.

Once a framework has been chosen, the next steps are to start preparing your team to seamlessly integrate the framework and create the lead scoring formula.

2. Familiarize Your Team with BANT

Start by educating your sales team about BANT, an acronym for Budget, Authority, Need, and Timeline, and its relevance to your products or services.

  • Budget: Understanding the potential customer’s budget is key. It enables you to determine if they can realistically purchase your product or service, avoiding time spent on leads that are unlikely to materialize due to financial limitations. It’s about matching your recommendations to what the customer can afford.
  • Authority: Ensure that your team is engaging with decision-makers. This is critical because speaking to the right person, someone who has the authority to approve the purchase, streamlines the sales process. It’s about targeting efforts towards individuals who have the final say.
  • Need: Grasping the unique needs or challenges of a prospect allows your team to customize their sales approach, highlighting how your product or service can address those specific issues. This approach is similar to how a doctor diagnoses a patient’s condition to recommend appropriate treatment.
  • Timeline: Assessing when a prospect is likely to make a purchase is crucial for lead prioritization and effective follow-up strategies. This knowledge allows the sales team to focus on prospects who are closer to making a buying decision, akin to offering a meal to someone when they’re most likely to be hungry.

3. Guiding Principles for Completing the BANT Form Through Inquisitive Engagement

When delving into each category of the BANT framework, it’s essential to balance sensitivity and thoroughness. The following guide outlines how to effectively pose these queries, including practical examples:

  1. Budget-Related Inquiries
    • Markmið: To gauge the prospective client’s financial readiness and interest in investing in your offering.
    • Aðkoma: Begin with broad, open-ended questions, then gradually narrow down. Ensure the prospect feels at ease and not under pressure.
    • Dæmi:
      • “Can you share the budget range you have in mind for a solution like ours?” This non-invasive question lets the prospect offer a general figure.
      • “What was your financial commitment for similar past projects?” This helps you understand their past investment habits and expected budget.
  2. Authority-Based Questions
    • Markmið: To identify who makes the decisions and the nature of their decision-making process.
    • Aðkoma: Frame your questions to collect information respectfully, without alienating the prospect.
    • Dæmi:
      • “Who is the main person deciding on this project, and how can we address their concerns?” This directly identifies the decision-maker while showing regard for their position.
      • “Can you describe your typical process for making such purchases?” This provides an overview of their decision-making structure.
  3. Need-Focused Questions
    • Markmið: To uncover the specific challenges and needs of the prospect.
    • Aðkoma: Use open-ended questions to encourage detailed responses.
    • Dæmi:
      • “What challenges do you hope our solution will address?” This prompts an open discussion about their needs.
      • “Which features of our offering are most relevant to you?” This helps prioritize features that interest the prospect.
  4. Timeline Queries
    • Markmið: To understand the urgency and planned schedule for purchasing and deploying the solution.
    • Aðkoma: Be clear yet accommodating to the prospect’s timeline and constraints.
    • Dæmi:
      • “Is there a particular timeline you have in mind for this solution’s implementation?” This clarifies their urgency or planned schedule.
      • “Are any external factors, like events or fiscal periods, affecting your decision timeline?” This considers outside influences on their timeline.

Additional Strategies for Effective Communication

  • Stofna skýrslu: Build a connection before starting with BANT questions to make the prospect more open.
  • Virk hlustun: Pay close attention to their answers, which can lead to more insightful follow-up questions.
  • Customize Questions: Tailor your queries to the industry, company size, or the individual’s role to demonstrate your preparedness and genuine interest.
  • Sveigjanleiki: If a prospect seems reluctant to respond, adjust your approach or revisit the question later.
  • Practicing Through Role-Play: Engage in role-play to simulate sales dialogues, helping your team to ask the right questions confidently.

4. Crafting a BANT Form

Creating a BANT form effectively means choosing appropriate data fields for each BANT component to ensure precise and efficient information collection. Let’s explore the potential choices for each component.


  • Pre-set Range Options: Offer predefined selections such as ‘<$10,000’, ‘$10,000-$50,000’, ‘>$50,000’, etc., to swiftly classify leads by their budget.


  • Multiple Choice Queries: These are suitable for determining the contact’s role, with choices like ‘Decision Maker’, ‘Influencer’, ‘End User’, ‘Consultant’, etc.
  • Layered Selection: Useful if the decision-making chain is complex, this option assists in pinpointing the contact’s level in the hierarchy, such as:
    • Executive Leaders (e.g., CEO, CFO, CTO)
    • Department Chiefs (e.g., IT Head, Marketing Head)
    • Team Supervisors/Managers
    • Einstakir þátttakendur


  • Tick Boxes: Enables leads to identify from a list of typical issues or requirements your product/service can solve, also providing a percentage of coverage.
  • Intensity Scale: To measure how crucial or immediate each need is, using categories like ‘Not Important’, ‘Somewhat Important’, ‘Very Important’.


  • Single-Option Selection: Utilize radio buttons for a clear, one-choice pick of a timeframe, with set intervals such as ‘Within 1 month’, ‘1-3 months’, ‘3-6 months’, ‘6 months or more’, aiding in assessing the urgency.

5. Incorporating BANT into Your Sales Strategy

  • Incorporate BANT into CRM: Embed fields for BANT in your CRM tool to effectively monitor and assess potential customers.
  • Consistent Monitoring and Refreshing: Make sure your team consistently refreshes the BANT details in the CRM following their interactions with prospective clients.

6. Evaluate Lead Quality with Lead Scoring

Lead scoring involves assigning varying importance to different BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) elements, resulting in a cumulative score that represents the lead’s overall qualification. This scoring is influenced by your sales strategy and past data. For instance, if Budget is often a decisive factor, it should have a greater weight. Similarly, if Authority level is critical, its weight should be increased.

For example, in the context of software solution sales, the weighting might be as follows:

  • Fjárhagsáætlun: 30 stig
  • Heimild: 25 stig
  • Þarftu: 25 stig
  • Tímalína: 20 stig

Then, establish the criteria for awarding points within each category. For example:

  • Budget: Above $100,000 gets 30 points, between $50,000 and $100,000 gets 15 points, and below $50,000 gets no points.
  • Authority: C-level executives receive 25 points, directors 20 points, managers 15 points, and others none.
  • Need: A perfect match earns 25 points, a partial match 15 points, and a low match 5 points.
  • Timeline: Within 3 months secures 20 points, 4-6 months 10 points, and over 6 months 5 points.

Calculate the total lead score by adding up the points from each category. For example, a hypothetical lead with a $100,000 budget (30 points), manager-level authority (15 points), a perfect match for need (25 points), and a timeline within 6 months (10 points) would have a total score of 80.

This scoring system prioritizes leads with higher scores, as they are more likely to convert according to your sales strategy. It offers a quantitative method to gauge lead quality, fostering objective decision-making in sales.

7. Implement a Feedback Process

It’s crucial to incorporate a feedback system to enhance and fine-tune the BANT framework. This means regularly gathering and evaluating feedback from the sales team on their BANT experiences.

  • Periodic Discussions: Organize regular meetings for the sales team to share their BANT framework experiences. Promote a culture of open discussion about the effectiveness and shortcomings of the process.
  • Sales Data Analysis: Examine the performance data to assess the conversion rates of leads that ranked high in the BANT process. This will aid in determining which BANT criteria are more predictive of sales success.
  • Modifying BANT Criteria: Modify the BANT criteria and scoring method based on the feedback and data analysis. This could include changing the weight of certain elements or altering the questions posed.
  • Ongoing Adaptation: Encourage the sales team to view BANT as a dynamic tool, continuously improving it based on real sales experiences.

8. Test on Historical Data

Undertaking a historical analysis can greatly enhance understanding of the effectiveness of your BANT framework.

  • Collecting Past Sales Data: The sales team should revisit early interactions with past leads, retroactively filling in the BANT fields based on these encounters.
  • Retroactive BANT Application: After completing the BANT forms for around 100-200 historical leads, apply the current BANT criteria to evaluate these leads as if they were being assessed today.
  • Outcome Comparison: Compare the final outcomes of these leads (whether they became customers or not) to gauge the predictive accuracy of the BANT framework.
  • Framework Refinement: Make adjustments to the framework based on this analysis.

9. Cultivating Less Qualified Leads

Post implementation, you’ll still encounter leads that don’t completely meet the criteria. These leads should be nurtured through specific strategies.

  • Segmentation: Begin by categorizing these leads based on which BANT criteria they don’t meet, allowing for more targeted nurturing approaches.
  • Customized Content: Develop content that addresses the particular deficiencies of each segment.
    • Budget: Produce materials like blog posts or infographics highlighting the long-term financial benefits and ROI of your product or service.
    • Authority: Create clear, convincing materials (like presentations or one-pagers) for leads to present to decision-makers.
    • Need: Share case studies or testimonials from similar past customers to demonstrate your product’s effectiveness.
    • Timeline: Offer content that emphasizes the importance of timely implementation, such as industry trend articles.
      Email Campaigns: Execute personalized email sequences that gradually emphasize the value of your offering, featuring case studies, testimonials, and industry insights.

By following these steps and continuously refining your approach based on feedback and results, your sales team can effectively implement the lead prioritization framework and improve lead quality. Remember, the key is to make the process a natural part of your sales conversations, ensuring a smooth and informative experience for your prospects.

How to Implement Lead Prioritization

Implementing lead prioritization into your sales approach can be achieved through various methods, from basic manual processes to highly sophisticated automated workflows.

Manual Implementation Example

  • A lead submits a form, including their email and a suitable time for a sales call.
  • The sales representative creates a new record in Hubspot CRM and schedules the call in Google Calendar as per the lead’s indicated time.
  • Post-call, the representative uses their memory and the sales call transcript obtained from Gong to complete the BANT form, which includes Budget, Authority, Need, Timeframe fields.
  • The sales representative calculates the lead score using the completed BANT form and a predefined formula with assigned weights for each field, then updates this score manually in the Hubspot CRM record.

Automating the Workflow

We can streamline this process using Nanonets by setting up an automated workflow that replicates the tasks outlined above.

The workflow’s description is entered into a workflow generator in Nanonets, which then creates an automated workflow based on that description.

Next, we link our Google and Hubspot accounts with Nanonets, granting it access to these applications. This enables the workflow to retrieve data and execute tasks directly within these apps.

The automated workflow functions as follows:

  • Google Forms triggers a workflow run when a sales call form is submitted.
  • Hubspot creates a new record with the lead’s email.
  • Google Calendar sets up a meeting between the lead and sales representative based on the proposed time.
  • Gong provides the transcript of the completed sales call.
  • Nanonets AI reads the transcript and systematically fills in the BANT fields.
  • Nanonets AI calculates a lead score using default weights based on the BANT data from the call transcript. The formula and weights for the lead score can be manually specified.
  • The Hubspot record is updated with this lead score.
    Additionally, a demonstration of this workflow is available.

Take a look at the demo of this workflow running below.

We applied this approach in a case study, where we examined the outcomes of automated lead scoring versus manual lead scoring.

Case Study on Automated Lead Prioritization

Issue: Sales teams frequently face challenges in accurately scoring leads, often relying on manual methods that are slow and subject to missing information and personal biases. The BANT (Budget, Authority, Need, Timeline) framework is a popular method, but it traditionally demands significant effort and can lead to skewed scoring.

Resolution: Developed a Nanonets Workflow that incorporates AI to revolutionize lead qualification. This system automates the extraction and evaluation of BANT elements from sales conversations, providing a more effective and efficient method for scoring leads.

The workflow operates as follows:

  1. Google Forms – Initiates a workflow when a sales call form is submitted.
  2. Hubspot – Creates a new record with the lead’s email.
  3. Google Calendar – Schedules a meeting between the lead and salesperson based on the indicated time.
  4. Gong – Delays the workflow until after the call, then retrieves the transcript of the sales call.
  5. Nanonets AI – Analyzes the transcript to systematically fill in BANT details.
  6. Nanonets AI – Determines a lead score using pre-set (default) weights based on the BANT information from the call transcript. Users can also manually adjust the scoring formula and weights.
  7. Hubspot – Updates the created record with the calculated lead score.

Outcomes & Impact:

  • Improved Accuracy: In a comparison of over 1500 sales calls, this system was equally or more effective than Account Executives (AEs) in identifying promising leads. The AI’s recall rate was 81%, significantly higher than the 41% in manual reviews, and precision rates were comparable.
  • Shorter Sales Cycles: Leads with scores of 80+ from the AI tool had 5-10% shorter closing times, boosting the sales team’s productivity.
  • Granular Scoring: The AI provides a detailed scoring range from 1 to 100, offering more customized sales strategies than binary AE assessments.
  • Enhanced Efficiency: Sales teams noted quicker BANT qualifications, reduced issues with incomplete data, and more time for customer engagement and product development.

Conclusion: Automating the lead scoring process has greatly improved sales efficiency. This combination of AI and human insight leads to more effective, customer-focused strategies.

Automated Lead Prioritization Saves your Time

We’ll assess how a 50-member sales team could save time by switching from manual methods to an AI-powered workflow.


  • Each sales representative manages about 5 leads daily.
  • A month includes 20 workdays.
  • Manual Lead Processing Time: 22 minutes.
  • AI Workflow Lead Processing Time: 1 minute.
  • Time Saved per Lead: 21 minutes.
  • Daily Time Saved per Salesperson: 105 minutes (1.75 hours) from 5 leads.
  • Monthly Time Saved per Salesperson: 35 hours.
  • Team’s Total Monthly Time Saved: 1,750 hours (35 hours per person).

Using the Extra Time:

The significant time saved each month offers several ways for the sales team to boost effectiveness and engage in more valuable tasks:

  • Improved Customer Engagement: Use the additional time for more in-depth interactions with current and potential customers, fostering stronger connections and better understanding their requirements.
  • Increased Prospecting and Lead Generation: Allocate more time to seeking new clients and creating more leads, potentially expanding the sales funnel.
  • Tailored Follow-Up Strategies: The team can concentrate on designing customized follow-up approaches for leads, enhancing conversion likelihood.
  • Focus on Wellness and Balance: It’s crucial to dedicate some of this time to wellness, promoting a healthier balance between work and life by delegating repetitive tasks to technology.

By adopting AI-driven workflow automation, a sales team can markedly boost its efficiency, refine sales tactics, and enhance overall morale and job satisfaction.

Automate lead prioritization with our AI-driven workflows, designed by Nanonets for you and your teams.

Nanónetur fyrir sjálfvirkni verkflæðis

Í hraðskreiðu viðskiptaumhverfi nútímans er sjálfvirkni verkflæðis áberandi sem mikilvæg nýjung, sem býður upp á samkeppnisforskot fyrir fyrirtæki af öllum stærðum. Samþætting sjálfvirkra verkflæðis í daglegum rekstri fyrirtækja er ekki bara stefna; það er stefnumótandi nauðsyn. Í viðbót við þetta hefur tilkoma LLMs opnað enn fleiri tækifæri til sjálfvirkni handvirkra verkefna og ferla.

Velkomin í Nanonets Workflow Automation, þar sem gervigreind-drifin tækni gerir þér og teymi þínu kleift að gera sjálfvirkan handvirk verkefni og búa til skilvirkt verkflæði á nokkrum mínútum. Notaðu náttúrulegt tungumál til að búa til og stjórna verkflæði án áreynslu sem samþættast öll skjölin þín, forritin og gagnagrunna óaðfinnanlega.

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Vettvangurinn okkar býður ekki aðeins upp á óaðfinnanlega samþættingu forrita fyrir sameinað verkflæði heldur einnig möguleika á að smíða og nýta sérsniðin forrit fyrir stóra tungumálalíkön fyrir háþróaða textaskrif og svörunarfærslu í forritunum þínum. Allt á meðan að tryggja gagnaöryggi er forgangsverkefni okkar, með ströngu fylgni við GDPR, SOC 2 og HIPAA samræmisstaðla.

Til að skilja betur hagnýt forrit Nanonets verkflæðis sjálfvirkni, skulum við kafa ofan í nokkur raunveruleg dæmi.

  • Sjálfvirk þjónustuver og þátttökuferli
[Embed efni]
    • Miðasköpun – Zendesk: Verkflæðið kemur af stað þegar viðskiptavinur sendir inn nýjan stuðningsmiða í Zendesk, sem gefur til kynna að hann þurfi aðstoð við vöru eða þjónustu.
    • Miðauppfærsla – Zendesk: Eftir að miðinn er búinn til er sjálfvirk uppfærsla strax skráð í Zendesk til að gefa til kynna að miðinn hafi verið móttekinn og verið er að vinna úr því, sem gefur viðskiptavinum miðanúmer til viðmiðunar.
    • Upplýsingaleit – Nanóneta vafra: Samtímis leitar Nanonets vafraeiginleikinn í gegnum allar þekkingargrunnsíðurnar til að finna viðeigandi upplýsingar og mögulegar lausnir sem tengjast vandamáli viðskiptavinarins.
    • Aðgangur viðskiptavinasögu – HubSpot: Samtímis er HubSpot beðið um að sækja fyrri samskipti viðskiptavinarins, kaupferil og fyrri miða til að veita samhengi til stuðningsteymis.
    • Miðavinnsla - Nanonets AI: Með viðeigandi upplýsingar og sögu viðskiptavina við höndina vinnur Nanonets AI miðann, flokkar málið og leggur til hugsanlegar lausnir byggðar á svipuðum fyrri tilfellum.
    • Tilkynning - Slaki: Að lokum er ábyrgt þjónustuteymi eða einstaklingur látinn vita í gegnum Slack með skilaboðum sem innihalda upplýsingar um miða, sögu viðskiptavina og tillögur að lausnum, sem hvetur til skjótt og upplýsts svars.
  • Sjálfvirkt ferli úrlausnar mála
  1. Upphafleg kveikja - Slakk skilaboð: Verkflæðið hefst þegar þjónustufulltrúi fær ný skilaboð á sérstakri rás á Slack, sem gefur til kynna vandamál viðskiptavina sem þarf að taka á.
  2. Flokkun - Nanonets AI: Þegar skilaboðin hafa fundist grípur Nanonets AI inn til að flokka skilaboðin út frá innihaldi þeirra og fyrri flokkunargögnum (frá Airtable gögnum). Með því að nota LLM flokkar það það sem galla ásamt því að ákvarða brýnt.
  3. Upptökugerð - Airtable: Eftir flokkun býr verkflæðið sjálfkrafa til nýja skrá í Airtable, skýjasamvinnuþjónustu. Þessi skrá inniheldur allar viðeigandi upplýsingar úr skilaboðum viðskiptavinarins, svo sem auðkenni viðskiptavinar, útgáfuflokkur og neyðarstig.
  4. Teymisúthlutun - Airtable: Þegar skráin er búin til, skipar Airtable kerfið síðan teymi til að sjá um málið. Byggt á flokkuninni sem gerð er af Nanonets AI, velur kerfið hentugasta teymið – tækniaðstoð, innheimtu, árangur viðskiptavina osfrv. – til að taka við málinu.
  5. Tilkynning - Slaki: Að lokum er úthlutað teymi tilkynnt í gegnum Slack. Sjálfvirk skilaboð eru send á rás liðsins, gera þeim viðvart um nýja málið, veita beinan hlekk á Airtable skrána og hvetja til tímanlega svars.
  • Sjálfvirkt fundaráætlunarferli
  1. Upphafleg samskipti - LinkedIn: Verkflæðið er hafið þegar fagleg tenging sendir ný skilaboð á LinkedIn þar sem hann lýsir áhuga á að skipuleggja fund. LLM greinir skilaboð sem berast og ræsir verkflæðið ef það telur skilaboðin vera beiðni um fund frá hugsanlegum umsækjanda um starf.
  2. Sækja skjöl - Google Drive: Eftir fyrstu snertingu sækir sjálfvirka verkflæðiskerfið fyrirfram tilbúið skjal frá Google Drive sem inniheldur upplýsingar um dagskrá fundarins, yfirlit fyrirtækisins eða hvers kyns viðeigandi kynningarefni.
  3. Tímasetningar – Google dagatal: Næst hefur kerfið samskipti við Google dagatal til að fá lausa tíma fyrir fundinn. Það athugar dagatalið fyrir opna afgreiðslutíma sem eru í samræmi við opnunartíma (byggt á staðsetningu flokkuð af LinkedIn prófíl) og áður stilltar kjörstillingar fyrir fundi.
  4. Staðfestingarskilaboð sem svar – LinkedIn: Þegar hentugur tími hefur fundist sendir sjálfvirknikerfi verkflæðis skilaboð til baka í gegnum LinkedIn. Þessi skilaboð innihalda fyrirhugaðan tíma fyrir fundinn, aðgang að skjalinu sem er sótt af Google Drive og beiðni um staðfestingu eða aðrar tillögur.
  • Reikningarvinnsla í viðskiptaskuldum
[Embed efni]
    • Kvittun reiknings – Gmail: Reikningur er móttekinn í tölvupósti eða hlaðið inn í kerfið.
    • Gagnaútdráttur - Nanonets OCR: Kerfið dregur sjálfkrafa út viðeigandi gögn (eins og upplýsingar um söluaðila, upphæðir, gjalddaga).
    • Staðfesting gagna – Quickbooks: Nanonets verkflæðið sannreynir útdrætt gögn gegn innkaupapöntunum og kvittunum.
    • Samþykktarleið - slaki: Reikningurinn er fluttur til viðeigandi stjórnanda til samþykkis á grundvelli fyrirfram skilgreindra þröskulda og reglna.
    • Greiðsluafgreiðsla - Brex: Þegar það hefur verið samþykkt, áætlar kerfið greiðsluna í samræmi við skilmála lánardrottins og uppfærir fjárhagsfærslur.
    • Skjalavistun – Quickbooks: Lokið viðskipti eru geymd í geymslu fyrir framtíðarviðmiðun og endurskoðunarleiðir.
  • Aðstoð í innri þekkingargrunni
    • Upphafleg fyrirspurn - Slack: Liðsmaður, Smith, spyr í #chat-with-data Slack rásinni um viðskiptavini sem lenda í vandræðum með QuickBooks samþættingu.
    • Sjálfvirk gagnasöfnun – Nanonets þekkingargrunnur:
      • Miðaleit – Zendesk: Zendesk appið í Slack veitir sjálfkrafa yfirlit yfir miða dagsins, sem gefur til kynna að það séu vandamál með útflutning á reikningsgögnum til QuickBooks fyrir suma viðskiptavini.
      • Slaka leit – Slack: Á sama tíma lætur Slack appið rásina vita að liðsmenn Patrick og Rachel séu virkir að ræða lausn QuickBooks útflutningsvillunnar á annarri rás, með lagfæringu sem á að fara í loftið klukkan 4:XNUMX.
      • Miðamæling – JIRA: JIRA appið uppfærir rásina um miða sem Emily bjó til sem ber titilinn „QuickBooks útflutningur mistókst fyrir QB Desktop samþættingu,“ sem hjálpar til við að fylgjast með stöðu og framvindu lausnar málsins.
      • Tilvísunarskjöl – Google Drive: Drive appið nefnir tilvist runbook til að laga villur sem tengjast QuickBooks samþættingum, sem hægt er að vísa til til að skilja skrefin fyrir bilanaleit og úrlausn.
      • Áframhaldandi samskipti og staðfesting á upplausn – slaki: Þegar líður á samtalið þjónar Slack rásin sem rauntímavettvangur til að ræða uppfærslur, deila niðurstöðum úr runbook og staðfesta uppsetningu villuleiðréttingar. Liðsmenn nota rásina til að vinna saman, deila innsýn og spyrja framhaldsspurninga til að tryggja alhliða skilning á málinu og úrlausn þess.
      • Upplausnarskjöl og þekkingarmiðlun: Eftir að lagfæringin hefur verið innleidd, uppfæra liðsmenn innri skjölin á Google Drive með nýjum niðurstöðum og öllum frekari ráðstöfunum sem teknar eru til að leysa málið. Samantekt um atvikið, upplausn og hvers kyns lærdóm sem er dregin er þegar deilt á Slack rásinni. Þannig er innri þekkingargrunnur liðsins sjálfkrafa aukinn til notkunar í framtíðinni.

Framtíð hagkvæmni fyrirtækja

Nanonets Workflows er öruggur, fjölnota sjálfvirkur verkflæðisvettvangur sem gerir handvirk verkefni þín og verkflæði sjálfvirk. Það býður upp á auðvelt í notkun notendaviðmót, sem gerir það aðgengilegt fyrir bæði einstaklinga og stofnanir.

Til að byrja, geturðu tímasett símtal við einn af gervigreindarsérfræðingum okkar, sem getur veitt persónulega kynningu og prufu á Nanonets vinnuflæði sem er sérsniðið að þínum sérstöku notkunartilvikum. 

Þegar það hefur verið sett upp geturðu notað náttúrulegt tungumál til að hanna og framkvæma flókin forrit og verkflæði knúin af LLM, sem samþættast óaðfinnanlega við forritin þín og gögnin.

Hladdu liðunum þínum ofurliði með Nanonets Workflows sem gerir þeim kleift að einbeita sér að því sem raunverulega skiptir máli.

Automate lead prioritization with our AI-driven workflows, designed by Nanonets for you and your teams.


Nýjasta upplýsingaöflun
