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Ethereum, Solana og Altcoins nálgast „bananasvæði“ samkvæmt Macro Guru Raoul Pal – Hér er horfur hans – The Daily Hodl


Ex-Goldman Sachs executive Raoul Pal says the altcoin market cap is on the verge of soaring to new all-time highs (ATHs).

In a new video update, the Real Vision CEO segir that the digital assets market could enter “crypto summer” within a month, when Ethereum (ETH), Solana (SOL) and other alts could have massive rallies.

„Dulritunarsumar“ þýðir almennt hækkað verð, hærra viðskiptamagn, bullish markaðsviðhorf, meiri netþróun og víðtækari upptöku.

“It’s very normal for crypto spring for Bitcoin to outperform and then as we come into crypto summer that we’re transitioning into now ETH starts to outperform Bitcoin…

Will it outperform Solana? I very much doubt it. Solana is earlier in the adoption curve so it means the percentage changes are larger.

You can see the start of crypto spring, which was the breakout of this pattern and the slight acceleration. That says we’re getting to warmer days of spring as it were. But really, summer happens when you break the previous all-time high in market cap and things go utterly bananas. So this [chart below is altcoins] excluding Ethereum, so this is the rest of the space, really starting to accelerate and sometime in 2024 we will hit an all-time high market cap of altcoins and this chart will go truly into the banana zone.”

Heimild: Raoul Pal/X

Pal also predicts that the crypto market will have a “crypto fall” similar to the 2013 and 2017 cycles when the market extended rallies even higher. Many analysts believe that crypto runs in four-year cycles and divides the cycles up into four seasons of the year to explain the different phases.

“Let’s talk about crypto summer just in very simplistic terms. Here is the chart of the seasons. So spring is green. We had a great spring this year. Summer is when a lot of the gains start to happen. Fall was tricky last time around. We got a stunted cycle. If you remember that kind of double-toppy style thing.

It was highly unusual. 2017, and 2013 were typical of the fall season. And so we don’t know how this one’s going to play out. I think it plays out more like 2013, 2017, but it’s all assessing the odds as we go. But right now this is the easy year, the summer.”

Heimild: Raoul Pal/X

Pal predicts that crypto summer will begin in the next month to month and a half.

“Very soon, like in the next month, next month and a half, we will start to hit the banana zone. And this is what happens when you hit the banana zone. Things get absolutely wild, which is the really magical part of why this is the greatest macro trade of all time is this part and it’s coming.”

Heimild: Raoul Pal/X

Looking at his chart, Pal suggests that during “crypto summer” Bitcoin (BTC) could soar into the six-figure range, reaching as high as $300,000.

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Fyrirvari: Skoðanir sem settar eru fram hjá The Daily Hodl eru ekki fjárfestingarráðgjöf. Fjárfestar ættu að gera áreiðanleikakönnun sína áður en þeir leggja í áhættufjárfestingar í Bitcoin, dulritunargjaldmiðli eða stafrænum eignum. Vinsamlegast hafðu í huga að millifærslur þínar og viðskipti eru á þína eigin ábyrgð og tap sem þú gætir orðið fyrir er á þína ábyrgð. The Daily Hodl mælir ekki með kaupum eða sölu á neinum dulritunargjaldmiðlum eða stafrænum eignum, né er The Daily Hodl fjárfestingarráðgjafi. Vinsamlegast athugaðu að The Daily Hodl tekur þátt í markaðssetningu tengdum fyrirtækjum.

Mynduð mynd: Midjourney
Valin mynd: Shutterstock/Zalevska Alona UA


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