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Bitget kynnir viðskipti við kynningu á námum, gefur öllum gjöldum til kaupmanna - CoinJournal


Victoria, Seychelles, 27. apríl, 2024, Chainwire

Bitget, fremstur í heimi cryptocurrency skipti and Web3 company, has announced to upgrade its Zero-Fee Campaign to Trade to Mine Promotion. This new initiative incentivizes users with Bitget Token (BGB) for trading BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT in the spot market. Daily transaction fees generated by these two pairs will be returned to traders in the form of BGB tokens, and the event will go live on 28th April and end on 20th May, 2024.

The distribution of rewards will be based on the volume of spot transactions in BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT pairs completed the previous day. To provide a better advantage to new users, API transactions, sub-accounts, institutional users, and market maker accounts are excluded from this program.

The total reward pool is directly correlated to the total handling fees collected from eligible BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT transactions, ensuring a fair distribution of rewards among participants. Users can expect the reward amount to be calculated based on the previous day’s data, which will be updated daily at 8:30 pm UTC.

To claim rewards, users can participate by visiting the campaign. Each participant can potentially earn up to a maximum of 500 BGB per day. All unclaimed rewards after the event’s conclusion will be automatically distributed to users’ spot accounts within three days.

For more information on participating, users can visit hér.

This isn’t the first time Bitget has given back to its community. In response to the recent all-time highs of Bitcoin and Ethereum, along with major events like the Bitcoin Halving and Ethereum’s Dencun Upgrade, Bitget introduced zero fees on BTC and ETH transactions. This strategic campaign made crypto trading more accessible and affordable for Bitget users. By eliminating trading costs, Bitget aims to encourage broader participation and ease entry for new traders and investors into the crypto space.

Um Bitget

Stofnað árið 2018, biti er leiðandi í heiminum cryptocurrency skipti og Web3 fyrirtæki. Bitget kauphöllin þjónar yfir 25 milljón notendum í meira en 100 löndum og svæðum og hefur skuldbundið sig til að hjálpa notendum að eiga betri viðskipti með frumkvöðlaeiginleikanum fyrir afritaviðskipti og aðrar viðskiptalausnir. Áður þekkt sem BitKeep, Bitget veski er heimsklassa fjölkeðju dulritunarveski sem býður upp á fjölda alhliða Web3 lausna og eiginleika þar á meðal veskisvirkni, skipti, NFT Marketplace, DApp vafra og fleira. Bitget hvetur einstaklinga til að tileinka sér dulmál með samstarfi við trúverðuga samstarfsaðila, þar á meðal goðsagnakennda argentínska knattspyrnumanninn Lionel Messi og opinbera eSports viðburðaskipuleggjanda PGL.

For more information, users can visit:

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