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Bitget tilkynnir skráningu á ABBLE (ABBL): Nýjasta Meme Token á Solana - CoinJournal


Victoria, Seychelles, March 28th, 2024, Chainwire

biti, a world leading cryptocurrency exchange and Web3 company, is pleased to announce the listing of ABBLE (ABBL), the newest addition to its growing portfolio of meme tokens. ABBL, a memecoin with no utility, reflects the dynamic and vibrant nature of the cryptocurrency market.

Investors are advised to exercise caution when trading meme tokens and should avoid risking money they cannot afford to lose. The price of ABBL may experience significant fluctuations, and investors should be prepared for both gains and losses. It is important to note that Bitget and its affiliates bear no responsibility for the price movement of the token.

In alignment with the Solana ecosystem, ABBL marks its entry into the NFT space with an initial airdrop project on Bags NFT. The project has garnered strong support from notable figures such as the creators of Bags, as well as the former DeGods founder FINN. Additionally, ABBL has received endorsements from prominent projects like DFlow and Phantom, further solidifying its position within the Solana ecosystem.

As ABBL joins the ranks of meme tokens, Bitget has consistently expanded its market share in both spot and derivatives trading among centralized exchanges. With a focus on providing users with opportunities to invest in popular and valuable projects, Bitget’s spot market has seen significant growth. In 2023 alone, the platform added over 350 new listings, further diversifying investment options for users. Meanwhile, Bitget Wallet supports over 100 mainnets and 250,000+ tokens. Its on-chain trading function Bitget Swap enables cross-chain trading between nearly 30 mainnets.

Um Bitget

Stofnað árið 2018, biti er leiðandi í heiminum cryptocurrency skipti og Web3 fyrirtæki. Bitget kauphöllin þjónar yfir 20 milljón notendum í meira en 100 löndum og svæðum og hefur skuldbundið sig til að hjálpa notendum að eiga betri viðskipti með frumkvöðlaeiginleikanum fyrir afritaviðskipti og aðrar viðskiptalausnir. Áður þekkt sem BitKeep, Bitget veski er heimsklassa fjölkeðju dulritunarveski sem býður upp á fjölda alhliða Web3 lausna og eiginleika þar á meðal veskisvirkni, skipti, NFT Marketplace, DApp vafra og fleira. Bitget hvetur einstaklinga til að tileinka sér dulmál með samstarfi við trúverðuga samstarfsaðila, þar á meðal goðsagnakennda argentínska knattspyrnumanninn Lionel Messi og opinbera eSports viðburðaskipuleggjanda PGL.

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