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Bitcoin Exchange OKX tilkynnti að það muni skrá GIFT á framtíðarvettvangi sínum!


  • Popular cryptocurrency exchange OKX announced its plan to list the new altcoin VENOM on its futures platform on its blog.

OKX, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform, tilkynnt that it has listed VENOM on futures in a bid to strengthen its offerings in the ever-expanding crypto market.

OKX Adds Perpetual Futures for VENOM, Introduces Margin Trading and Simple Profit Features

This development comes alongside the introduction of margin trading and Simple Earning features for VENOM, which are planned to be implemented in the coming days.

According to the official statement made by OKX, USDT margin perpetual futures trading for VENOM will go live on March 25, 2024 at 11:30.

Additionally, margin trading and Simple Profit features for VENOM will be enabled on March 26, 2024 at 19:00.

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The rollout of these updates will cover both OKX’s web and application interfaces and API, providing accessibility across various platforms for users interacting with VENOM crypto.

Margin trading functions will be enabled for the VENOM/USDT trading pair, allowing users to strengthen their positions and potentially increase their trading strategies.

However, it is worth noting a warning measure implemented by OKX. With the launch of a new contract, the premium may experience instability.

To reduce unforeseen expenses, OKX has set the upper limit of the funding fee at 0.03% before 19:00 on March 25, 2024. 

After this period, the cap on the anticipated funding fee will revert to the normal rate of 1.50%.

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