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Afhjúpun sögunnar: Binance undirbýr sig fyrir 3.9 milljarða dala spilatákn


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In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrency, Binance is gearing up to make headlines with the introduction of the SAGA token. Slated for listing on April 9, this new token is part of a strategic Launchpool rewards campaign that’s already captivating Binance users. The anticipation is palpable as half of SAGA’s initial circulating supply is up for grabs in this unique promotion.

Binance’s SAGA Token: A New Era in Gaming Cryptocurrency

The SAGA token is set to make its debut on the Binance vettvangur, thanks to the innovative Binance Launchpool program. This initiative allows users to stake various cryptocurrencies, such as Binance Coin (BNB) and the FDUSD stablecoin, to earn SAGA tokens as rewards. As a result, a significant portion of the token’s initial circulation, amounting to 45 million tokens or 9% of the total supply, is being distributed to participants in this program.

Since the launch of the campaign late on a Wednesday, the response has been overwhelming. Nearly $3.8 billion worth of assets have been staked by Binance customers, with 109,000 users opting for BNB and around 82,000 users choosing FDUSD. This massive stakeout underscores the community’s enthusiasm for the upcoming token launch.

Exploring the Saga Network: Gaming Innovation through Chainlets Architecture

The Saga Network, the underlying blockchain for the SAGA token, is designed as a layer-1 blockchain with a unique “chainlets” architecture. This innovative structure enables the launch of other blokkir and supports decentralized apps (dapps) by allowing them to tap into multiple chainlets for enhanced functionality.

Primarily known for its focus on gaming, the Saga Network has seen about 80% of its testnet projects fall within this category. The network has actively embraced this identity by hosting play-to-airdrop tournaments and competitions across various games, rewarding winners with token allocations. Moreover, Saga has collaborated with games on other blockchains like Solana og Snjóflóð fyrir sambærilega viðburði.

The Saga airdrop campaign concluded in March, with over 200,000 wallets eligible for táknverðlaun. This diverse group of recipients includes play-to-airdrop victors, DeFi stakers on networks like Cosmos and Polygon, and owners of prominent NFTs such as CryptoPunks and the Bored Ape Yacht Club.

With its mainnet set to launch in April, Saga is also expanding its ecosystem by establishing an in-house game publishing division called Saga Origins. This move signifies the network’s commitment to becoming a major player in the gaming industry.

Binance Launchpool has already made a mark in 2024 with two significant gaming token campaigns: Pixels (PIXEL) and Portal (PORTAL). These launches have set new records, with Portal attracting a staggering $8.6 billion in staked crypto.

However, it’s important to note that not all users can participate in the Launchpool rewards program. Residents of several countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan, and Australia, are excluded from earning rewards. The announcement for the Saga Launchpool provides a comprehensive list of eligible countries.

As the SAGA token launch approaches, the excitement within the Binance community is undeniable. With a massive stake in the game and a promising network infrastructure, Saga is poised to make a significant impact in the world of cryptocurrency and gaming.

Dogecoin20: gjörbylta Meme mynt með sjálfbærni og veðlaun

In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Dogecoin has claimed its throne as the premier meme coin, celebrated for its philosophy of “Do Good Every Day” and reigning supreme in the meme coin category on CoinMarketCap. Despite its popularity, Dogecoin’s inherent inflationary structure and the absence of incentives for long-term holding have left certain investors seeking alternatives.

Sláðu inn Dogecoin20, skáldsagnakeppandi á sviði meme-mynta, sem setur nýjan farveg í átt að sjálfbærni. Þessi Ethereum blockchain-undirstaða útgáfa af Dogecoin er ekki bara hnakka til stafræns gjaldmiðils Elon Musk, heldur stökk í átt að vistvænni framtíð fyrir meme mynt.

Dogecoin20 er ekki bara að feta í fótspor forvera síns; það er brautryðjandi leið með því að sameina ástkæra eiginleika meme mynt með hagnýtum, langtíma gildi. Þetta er fyrst og fremst náð með innleiðingu á keðjuálagningaraðferðum, sem gerir þátttakendum kleift að vinna sér inn verðlaun með því að setja merki sín á víxl til að styrkja öryggi netsins.

This initiative is poised to redefine the meme coin sector by offering something previously unseen: a tangible utility that encourages and rewards long-term engagement. With a total supply of 140 billion tokens, 25% of which are available in the ongoing presale, Dogecoin20 presents a lucrative opportunity for early adopters. This strategy, coupled with its commitment to sustainability, positions Dogecoin20 as a formidable rival to the original meme coin king.

Vegvísi Dogecoin20 er skýr og metnaðarfull og miðar að því að knýja meme myntina inn í grænni, sjálfbærari framtíð. Með því að samræma duttlungafullan anda meme-mynta við umhverfisvitund og verðlaun hagsmunaaðila, stendur Dogecoin20 upp úr sem einn af efnilegustu dulritunargjaldmiðlum markaðarins.

Heimsæktu Dogecoin20

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