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Rannsóknarskýrsla Hrífandi um horfur á 2. ársfjórðungi dulritunar – CryptoCurrencyWire


Dulritunargjaldeyrismarkaðurinn er poised for a promising second quarter, according to a recent report by Coinbase, with many of the obstacles that were previously experienced now behind the industry, setting the stage for positive developments in the coming months. The analysis identifies several variables that support this optimistic forecast.

The market’s history of negative downside pressures is one of the important factors. Furthermore, macroeconomic changes and prospective rate reductions may foster a climate that is favorable to cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin.

Coinbase anticipates that these favorable conditions will become more apparent starting in the latter half of April. A significant event on the horizon is the anticipated Bitcoin halving slated for April 16–20, 2024. During this quadrennial event, miner rewards are halved, leading to a reduction in the rate of Bitcoin supply growth.

From the demand perspective, Coinbase highlights the 90-day evaluation period typically undertaken by wirehouses when reviewing new financial services, such as Bitcoin spot exchange-traded funds (ETFs). This evaluation period could potentially conclude as soon as April 10, 2024. Notably, Coinbase points out that major United States wealth-management companies operate independently from prominent financial institutions such as Goldman Sachs (GS), Morgan Stanley (MS), UBS (UBS) and Bank of America.

Whereas wirehouses are significant players, other entities, such as LPL Fjármál, also wield influence. According to Coinbase, in the medium run, this might free up a significant amount of funds for spot Bitcoin ETFs operating in the United States.

The research shows that institutional interest in the cryptocurrency space is still robust. It points out that leveraged short bets in Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) Bitcoin (BTC) futures have increased and reached an all-time high as of March 19, 2024. Furthermore, there has been a notable increase in on-chain derivatives’ heildar gildi læst (TVL), which has soared to a record high of $3.4 billion. Despite this, TVL on broader decentralized finance (DeFi) is still roughly around 50% below its previous cycle highs, according to the report.

Coinbase also addresses the recent volatility in the market, speculating that it might be caused by investors who are shorting MicroStrategy shares — a software developer that has made strategic Bitcoin investments — against those who are long Bitcoin.

The Coinbase analysis offers a cautiously positive forecast for the cryptocurrency market in 2024’s second quarter. The market may be set up for success with several significant events coming up and ongoing institutional interest. However, prospective investors should proceed cautiously and weigh a variety of criteria before making any financial decisions, just as with any other investment, particularly in the erratic cryptocurrency market.

The positive outlook for the crypto industry is something that companies such as Hive Blockchain Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: HIVE) (TSX.V: HIVE) hope lasts for a while since it will ease their penetration of markets that they have been looking to conquer but were slowed by the crypto winter.

Um CryptoCurrencyWire

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