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Meta ætlar enn að koma með Quest 3 Lite til Kína


Meta still plans to bring the upcoming cheaper version of Quest 3 to China via partnership with Tencent, The Information reports.

Cheaper Version Of Quest 3?

Meta vélbúnaðar vegakortsfundur lak til The Verge í mars á síðasta ári ljós fyrirtækið ætlaði að gefa út nýtt heyrnartól eftir Quest 3 árið 2024 „á mest aðlaðandi verði á VR neytendamarkaði“.

Skýrslur frá The Wall Street JournalBloomberg, Og kínverskur sérfræðingur sem hefur verið áreiðanlegur í fortíðinni benda til þess að þetta heyrnartól muni innihalda Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 flís frá Quest 3 en notaðu gömlu fresnel linsurnar frá Quest 2 til að ná nógu lágu verði til að skipta um það.

XR2 Gen 2 hefur meira en tvöfalt öflugri GPU, sem sumir verktaki eru nú þegar að nota til að skila miklu betri grafík.

This upcoming headset is rumored to be called ‘Quest 3 Lite’ or ‘Quest 3S’, though there’s no strong evidence for any final name yet. Evidence found in the Quest firmware suggests it will also support color mixed reality.

Coming To China Via Tencent?

To sell many kinds of products in China, foreign companies must partner with a Chinese company or set up a local subsidiary. Meta and Tencent’s aim to sell Quest headsets in China was fyrst skráð by Chinese news outlet 36Kr early last year, though that report claimed the product was planned to be Quest 2.

In November The Wall Street Journal tilkynnt that the partnership, which it described as “provisional”, would now instead bring the upcoming cheaper version of Quest 3 to China instead. But in January a report from Sina Finance, citing another Chinese news outlet VRTUOLUO, Krafa the partnership was suspended due to unresolved details on how to handle the specifics.

Now today, The Information’s Wayne Ma skýrslur that Meta and Tencent still plan to release the cheaper version of Quest 3 in the Chinese market, in the fourth quarter of this year. Ma has a good track record of accurately reporting the future moves of Meta and Apple.

The reported structure of the partnership was that Tencent would sell and support the Quest headset in China, while both companies would work together on localization and translation of Quest Store content. Meta would get most of the device revenue, while Tencent would get most of the content revenue. This wouldn’t be a novel arrangement for Tencent. It has already been selling and supporting the Nintendo Switch in the Chinese market since 2019.

Apple Vision Pro kemur til Kína á þessu ári

Apple Vision Pro is coming to China later this year.

If the partnership truly happens, it could be significant competition for ByteDance’s Pico, which plans to release an updated Pico 4S this year. It would also offer a significantly cheaper (though less capable) alternative to Apple Vision Pro, which is also coming to China later this year and will also feature Tencent-provided apps and services.


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