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Hinn frægi Lithium framkvæmdastjóri Brian Talbot mun ganga til liðs við Atlas Lithium sem rekstrarstjóri og framkvæmdastjóri



- Renowned lithium expert Brian Talbot has agreed to join Atlas Lithium as Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Company’s Board of Directors on April 1, 2024, a highly significant milestone.

- Brian Talbot’s addition to Atlas Lithium’s team further enables the Company’s early revenue strategy targeting first lithium concentrate production in Q4 2024.

Boca Raton, Florida–(ACN Newswire – March 21, 2024) – Atlas Lithium Corporation (NASDAQ: ATLX) (“Atlas Lithium” or “Company”), a leading lithium exploration and development company, is pleased to announce the upcoming addition of Brian Talbot as Chief Operating Officer and a member of the Company’s Board of Directors effective April 1, 2024. Mr. Talbot is a renowned lithium sector executive with extensive development and operational expertise. This strengthening of the executive team comes on the heels of the Company’s early revenue strategy, with anticipated first revenues and production commencing in Q4 2024.

Mr. Talbot is considered one of the leading authorities in lithium globally and has an extensive track record as a technical and operational leader throughout his career with over 30 years of experience in mining operations. In particular, he has extensive experience in DMS (dense media separation) plant development and operation, having worked at major lithium companies where he built a strong track record of operational performance.

Most recently, Mr. Talbot was founder and director of RTEK International DMCC, a consulting firm that advises lithium developers and producers. From July 2022 to September 2023, Mr. Talbot was the Chief Operating Officer at Sigma Lithium Corporation (“Sigma Lithium”), a Canadian lithium producer with operations in Brazil. At Sigma Lithium, he oversaw the development of that company’s flagship Grota do Cirilo project from construction through commissioning and operations.

From 2017 to 2022, Mr. Talbot held positions as General Manager and Head of Australian Operations at Galaxy Resources, through mergers now part of Arcadium Lithium PLC, one of the world’s largest fully integrated lithium companies with a current market capitalization of approximately $4.7 billion. While at Galaxy Resources, Mr. Talbot was instrumental in increasing the production at Mt. Cattlin (a hard-rock lithium mine in Ravensthorpe, Western Australia) by 100%, which resulted in record production. Previously, from 2015 to 2017, Mr. Talbot was at Bikita Minerals in Zimbabwe, which owns and operates the longest running hard-rock lithium mine in the world.

With extensive experience designing, planning, building, and managing profitable mining operations globally, Mr. Talbot has a proven track record of driving operational excellence. His leadership has consistently improved efficiency, identified commercial opportunities, extended mine life, and maximized safety across diverse projects and regions. He holds a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering with Honors from the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.

Martin Rowley, former Chairman of Galaxy Resources and later Allkem Limited, and now Lead Advisor to Atlas Lithium, commented, “I was able to persuade Brian to leave Bikita’s lithium operations in Zimbabwe and move to Australia to be responsible for the restart of operations at Galaxy Resources’ Mt. Cattlin. During the time we worked together at Galaxy, his work ethic, dedication, conscientious team building ability, and creativity underwrote the significant value increase to all Galaxy shareholders. I look forward to working with him again on realizing the undoubted potential of Atlas Lithium.”

“When speaking with global lithium investors, Brian Talbot is a name that is clearly revered as a ticket for success. The fact that Atlas Lithium can attract such exceptional talent speaks volumes about our culture and the potential of our project. We wholeheartedly welcome Brian to our Board of Directors and to lead our development and exploration technical teams,” said Marc Fogassa, the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer.

Brian Talbot added, “After visiting and studying in detail Atlas Lithium’s properties, I firmly believe there is a strong alignment between my expertise in expediting hard-rock lithium projects to production and the solid foundation that the Company has already built. This opportunity allows me to further advance Atlas Lithium’s strategic direction as a member of its Board of Directors, while also fostering my own professional growth as a leader in the lithium space.”

Um Atlas Lithium Corporation

Atlas Lithium Corporation (NASDAQ: ATLX) einbeitir sér að því að efla og þróa 100% eigu harðbergs litíumverkefnis síns í Lithium-dalnum í Brasilíu, vel þekktu litíumhverfi í Minas Gerais-fylki. Að auki hefur Atlas Lithium 100% eignarhald á steinefnaréttindum fyrir aðra rafhlöður og mikilvæga málma, þar á meðal nikkel, sjaldgæfa jarðefni, títan og grafít. Félagið á einnig hlutafé í Apollo Resources Corp. (einkafyrirtæki; járn) og Jupiter Gold Corp. (OTCQB: JUPGF) (gull og kvarsít).

Safe Harbor yfirlýsing

Þessi fréttatilkynning inniheldur yfirlýsingar um framtíðarhorfur í skilningi kafla 27A í verðbréfalögunum frá 1933 og kafla 21E í lögum um verðbréfaviðskipti frá 1934. Framsýnar yfirlýsingar eru byggðar á núverandi áætlunum, áætlunum og áætlunum Atlas Lithium og dótturfélaga þess. og eru háð eðlislægri áhættu og óvissu sem gæti valdið því að raunverulegar niðurstöður eru frábrugðnar framsýnum yfirlýsingum. Slíkar yfirlýsingar fela meðal annars í sér þær sem varða vöxt markaðs- og iðnaðarhluta og eftirspurn og samþykki á nýjum og núverandi vörum; allar áætlanir um framleiðslu, varasjóði, sölu, tekjur, tekjur, framlegð eða aðra fjármagnsliði; allar yfirlýsingar um áætlanir, áætlanir og markmið stjórnenda fyrir framtíðarrekstur; allar yfirlýsingar um framtíðar efnahagsaðstæður eða frammistöðu; óvissu tengd viðskiptarekstri í Brasilíu, svo og allar forsendur, væntingar, spár, fyrirætlanir eða skoðanir um framtíðaratburði. Þess vegna ættir þú ekki að treysta á þessar framsýnu yfirlýsingar. Eftirfarandi þættir, meðal annarra, gætu valdið því að raunverulegar niðurstöður eru frábrugðnar þeim sem settar eru fram í framsýnum yfirlýsingum: Niðurstöður frá áframhaldandi jarðtæknigreiningu á verkefnum; viðskiptaskilyrði í Brasilíu; almennar efnahagsaðstæður, landfræðilegir atburðir og reglubreytingar; framboð á fjármagni; Geta Atlas Lithium til að viðhalda samkeppnisstöðu sinni; stjórnunartilraunir skortseljenda til að lækka hlutabréfaverð okkar; og háð lykilstjórnun.

Nánar er fjallað um frekari áhættu tengda félaginu og dótturfélögum þess í kaflanum sem ber yfirskriftina „Áhættuþættir“ í ársskýrslu félagsins og á eyðublaði 10-Q sem lagt var inn hjá SEC þann 20. október 2023. Vinsamlega vísað til annarra umsókna félagsins með SEC, sem öll eru fáanleg á Að auki tákna allar framsýnar yfirlýsingar skoðanir félagsins frá og með deginum í dag og ætti ekki að treysta á þær sem fulltrúa skoðunar þess frá og með síðari degi. Fyrirtækið afsalar sér beinlínis hvers kyns skyldu til að uppfæra framsýnar yfirlýsingar.

Brian Bernier
Varaforseti, fjárfestatengsl
+1 (833) 661-7900

Til að skoða upprunaútgáfu þessarar fréttatilkynningar, vinsamlegast farðu á

Efni: Samantekt fréttatilkynningar

Heimild: Atlas Lithium Corporation

Svið: Málmar og námuvinnsla, Dagleg fjármál, Daily News

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