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Evran hækkar eftir að traust þýskra neytenda batnar – MarketPulse


Evran hefur hækkað hærra á fimmtudag. Í Evrópulotunni er gengi EUR/USD á 1.0726, sem er 0.25% hækkun.

German consumer confidence hits two-year high
Germany’s GfK Consumer Climate index improved in April and again in the May forecast, as the German consumer is showing signs of optimism. The index improved to a revised -27.3 in April, up from -28.8 in March and is expected to rise to -24.2 in the May forecast, above the market estimate of -25.9.

The May reading marks a two-year high but let’s not forget that consumer confidence remains deep in negative (pessimistic) territory. Consumer income expectations and economic prospects both rose but at the same time consumers are saving more and are cautious about spending due to uncertainty about the economy.

The improved consumer confidence reading comes on heels of German Ifo Business Climate index, which also is negative territory but improved in April from 87.9 to 89.4, a third straight increase. Confidence for consumers and businesses is pointing upwards as inflation has been falling and expectations are growing that the European Central Bank will cut rates as soon as June. The German economy, the largest in the eurozone, hasn’t returned to its glory days as the locomotive of Europe, but is showing signs that it has bottomed out.

The ECB Economic Bulletin, published on Thursday, provided a summary of the ECB’s stance. On inflation, the ECB noted that food and energy prices fell in March, but services price inflation remained high at 4%.Wage growth has also softened but tensions in the Middle East could push energy prices and boost inflation.

EUR / USD Tæknilegt

  • EUR/USD er að prófa stuðning við 1.0697. Hér að neðan er stuðningur við 1.0649
  • Það er viðnám við 1.0738 og 1.0786

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Kenny Fisher

Mjög reyndur sérfræðingur á fjármálamarkaði með áherslu á grundvallar- og þjóðhagsgreiningu, daglegar athugasemdir Kenny Fisher nær yfir breitt úrval af mörkuðum, þar á meðal gjaldeyri, hlutabréf og hrávöru. Verk hans hafa verið birt í helstu fjármálaritum á netinu, þar á meðal, Seeking Alpha og FXStreet. Kenny hefur verið MarketPulse þátttakandi síðan 2012.

Kenny Fisher

Kenny Fisher

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