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Fantom (FTM) Stofnandi Andre Cronje sýnir stuðning við Solana innan um vandamál með netþrengsli - The Daily Hodl


Phantom (FTM) co-founder Andre Cronje says the Solana (SOL) network is a victim of success as the smart contract platform faces criticisms due to congestion issues.

In a post on social media platform X, Cronje segir that Solana’s recent outages are only because of its rising user activity and popularity.

“Seeing a lot of ‘I told you so’s’ against Solana, because *checks notes* Solana currently has so much demand for blockspace that they need to optimize some bottlenecks (which also by the way, is just an engineering hurdle and not a fault of consensus or any critical component).”

Solana went through a period last week when over 70% of its non-vote transactions mistókst, prompting the network’s co-founder Raj Gokal to tryggir users that developers were working on the issue. 

“World-class engineering teams are working around the clock to push fixes to improve the experience of submitting transactions on Solana. I am messaging them multiple times a day asking how it’s going, and they tell me this is a very helpful way to contribute to the solution.”

Anatoly Yakovenko, stofnandi Solana, einnig hluti his thoughts on the network’s technical woes, saying there’s no fast and easy way to fix the congestion problem.

“Dealing with congestion bugs sucks so much more than total liveness failure. The latter is one and done – [the] bug is identified and patched and [the] chain continues. The former has to go through the full release and test pipeline. Shipping fast is impossible.”

After hitting a low of $168.07 last week, SOL is now trading for $178.01.

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