Generative Data Intelligence

Óstöðvandi lén samstarfsaðilar með bitget til að afhenda 25 milljón notendum stafræn auðkenni - CoinJournal


Victoria, Seychelles, 22. mars 2024, Chainwire

biti, the world’s largest crypto copy trading platform, has partnered with Óstöðvandi lén, a global leader in Web3 digital identity. This collaboration provides over 25M Bitget users with .bitget top-level domain (TLD) to provide Bitget’s thriving community with a decentralized and distinct route to express their digital identities.

The introduction of the .bitget Top-Level Domain (TLD) represents a pivotal step forward in empowering users with the ability to establish a distinct and personalized digital presence. With this new feature, Bitget users are granted the opportunity to navigate to .bitget domains and reserve their preferred names, such as Sandy.bitget, and trader.bitget, effortlessly.

Owning a .bitget domain extends far beyond a mere digital address. It serves as an all-encompassing username for users to navigate over 860 integrations across diverse Web2 and Web3 applications seamlessly. From simplifying crypto transactions with easily readable wallet addresses to logging into hundreds of apps, games, and metaverses, the .bitget on Unstoppable domain empowers users with a unique and secure digital identity. The domain can also be utilized to build decentralized websites, showcase on-chain achievements, and set a new standard in how users interact with the digital world.

This advancement aligns with Bitget’s commitment to fostering the growth of cryptocurrency and delivering top-tier, innovative solutions within the rapidly evolving technological landscape.

“The partnership between Bitget and Unstoppable Domains is a big step towards redefining the user experience for our users. It marks the convergence of our robust trading platform with the frontier of decentralized web domains, empowering an unparalleled control and security over their digital identities.” said Shaed Hashimkhial, North America Head at Bitget.

In South Asia, Bitget experienced an extraordinary surge in spot trading volume during Q4 2023, with a 540% increase compared to previous figures and total trading value surpassing $3.14 trillion in 2023.

Bitget’s remarkable growth trajectory has led to a user base surpassing 25 million in 2024; with a strategic approach to listings, the platform saw a robust 46% year-on-year increase, incorporating 355 new listings — now encompassing over 600 tokens and 700 spot trading pairs.

“Identity is the center of the Web3 experience, and with Bitget, we’re making Web3 more personal and intuitive for the Bitget community,” said Sandy Carter, COO and Head of Business Development at Unstoppable Domains. “We’re thrilled to deliver the power of user-owned digital identity to Bitget users.”

Through this partnership, Unstoppable and Bitget demonstrate their commitment to innovation, community engagement, and the broader adoption of Web3 technologies.

Um Bitget

Stofnað árið 2018, biti er leiðandi í heiminum cryptocurrency skipti og Web3 fyrirtæki. Bitget kauphöllin þjónar yfir 20 milljón notendum í meira en 100 löndum og svæðum og hefur skuldbundið sig til að hjálpa notendum að eiga betri viðskipti með frumkvöðlaeiginleikanum fyrir afritaviðskipti og aðrar viðskiptalausnir. Áður þekkt sem BitKeep, Bitget veski er heimsklassa fjölkeðju dulritunarveski sem býður upp á fjölda alhliða Web3 lausna og eiginleika þar á meðal veskisvirkni, skipti, NFT Marketplace, DApp vafra og fleira. Bitget hvetur einstaklinga til að tileinka sér dulmál með samstarfi við trúverðuga samstarfsaðila, þar á meðal goðsagnakennda argentínska knattspyrnumanninn Lionel Messi og opinbera eSports viðburðaskipuleggjanda PGL.

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Um óstöðvandi lén

Stofnað í 2018, Óstöðvandi lén is building a platform for user-owned digital identity. Unstoppable Domains offers Web3 domains minted on the blockchain that give people full ownership and control of their digital identity, with no renewal fees. With Unstoppable Domains, people can replace lengthy alphanumeric crypto wallet addresses with a human-readable name and log into and transact with hundreds of apps, wallets, exchanges and marketplaces. The company was named by Forbes as one of America’s Best Startup Employers in 2022.

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