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EPA Menetapkan Standar Terobosan untuk Membatasi Polusi Beracun dari Pabrik Kimia: Sebuah Kemenangan bagi Keadilan Lingkungan


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In 2005, EcoWatch was established in Ohio as a newspaper focused on environmental news. It has since evolved into a digital platform that produces high-quality, evidence-based content on environmental topics, including issues, reasons behind them, and potential solutions.

The EPA has officially established new regulations to control the harmful substances emitted by chemical plants. These regulations aim to decrease the risk of cancer for individuals living in communities close to these plants by 96%.

The regulation aims to restrict harmful air pollution, such as ethylene oxide and chloroprene. The EPA stated that these new air quality guidelines will decrease toxic air pollution from chemical facilities by 6,200 tons per year and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by 23,700 tons annually.

According to NPR, EPA Administrator Michael Regan stated that this development is significant in many ways. He emphasized that it will have a positive impact on health, prosperity, and the well-being of children across the country.

The regulations aim to decrease the release of ethylene oxide and chloroprene by around 80% in chemical plants. Additionally, the new rule also addresses the reduction of other harmful pollutants like benzene, 1,3-butadiene, ethylene dichloride, and vinyl chloride from plant processes and equipment.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that being exposed to ethylene oxide emissions over a long period of time can raise the chances of developing specific types of cancer, such as breast cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and lymphocytic leukemia. In 2010, the EPA's Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) assessment classified chloroprene as a probable carcinogen.

The regulation will apply to approximately 200 factories, mainly located in Louisiana and Texas, that produce synthetic organic chemicals, polymers, and resins. One specific plant that will be affected by the regulation is the Denka Performance Elastomer facility in LaPlace, Louisiana, which is known for being the biggest emitter of chloroprene in the country according to The Associated Press.

Patrice Simms, Earthjustice's vice president for healthy communities, expressed that the final rule is a positive step towards environmental justice. This rule is expected to reduce toxic air pollution that impacts communities in Texas's Gulf Coast, Louisiana's Cancer Alley, and across the country. By establishing air quality standards for more than 200 chemical plants and mandating fenceline monitoring for the most harmful emissions, the government is showing a dedication to safeguarding public health. Earthjustice is eager for the EPA to quickly put this rule into action and ensure strict enforcement.

The EPA's new standards will now include mandatory monitoring of toxic pollutants at the perimeter of industrial facilities. Synthetic organic chemical plants must start their monitoring programs within two years, while neoprene manufacturing facilities have only 90 days to begin monitoring chloroprene emissions at their fencelines.

The information collected from monitoring programs will be accessible to the public through WebFIRE, a tool provided by the EPA.

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