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Uni Eropa Menerapkan Peraturan Anti-Pencucian Uang yang Diperbarui: Penjelasan Dampaknya Terhadap Industri Cryptocurrency – CryptoInfoNet


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25 April 2024 06:36 WIB
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Uni Eropa (UE) telah secara resmi mengesahkan peraturan anti pencucian uang (AMLR) baru, yang berlaku untuk semua penyedia layanan aset kripto (CASP).

Undang-undang ini akan memberikan wewenang lebih besar kepada Unit Intelijen Keuangan (FIU) untuk mendeteksi dan memerangi pencucian uang dan pendanaan teroris.

per Wednesday’s announcement, the package of legislations would impact crypto exchanges, brokers, regulated under MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation). These laws include “enhanced due diligence measures,” after which, obliged entities including crypto-asset managers must report suspicious activities to FIUs.

“If you want to use a CASP though for buying goods & services with crypto, even outside of a regular business relationship, this CASP will need to perform customer due diligence on you – meaning verify your identity + potential additional KYC/AML measures if the transaction is above €1K,” says Patrick Hansen, Circle’s EU Strategy and Policy Director, wrote in a Tweet.

11/ If you want to use a CASP though for buying goods & services with crypto, even outside of a regular business relationship (so-called occasional transaction), this CASP will need to perform customer due diligence on you – meaning verify your identity + potential additional…

— Patrick Hansen (@paddi_hansen) 24 Maret, 2024

Furthermore, a new body – Authority for Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLA) – will be established in Frankfurt. This entity will supervise the new legislation on combating money laundering, the announcement read.

Dewan belum secara resmi mengadopsi undang-undang tersebut dan menunggu publikasi di Jurnal Resmi UE, tambahnya.

Hansen menulis serangkaian Tweet, menjelaskan bagaimana paket undang-undang tersebut berdampak pada penyedia layanan aset kripto di UE.

He started with blaming false news that the crypto media carried before announcing EU’s ban on anonymous crypto transactions. He further confirmed that the new AMLR law “is not a crypto regulation.”

“Ini adalah kerangka kerja APU/PPT yang luas dan berlaku bagi institusi, yang disebut “entitas wajib” (OE). Semua lembaga keuangan, termasuk CASP (penyedia layanan aset kripto), adalah OE.”

2/ First things first: The AMLR is not a crypto regulation.

It’s a broad AML/CFT framework that applies to institutions, so called “obliged entities” (OEs). All financial institutions, including CASPs (crypto-asset service providers), are OEs. But also non-financial institutions…

— Patrick Hansen (@paddi_hansen) 24 Maret, 2024

Apa yang Baru untuk CASP Berdasarkan AMLR UE?

EU has already mandated CASPs to follow standard KYC/AML procedures like customer due diligence (CDD) under existing anti-money laundering framework.

Hansen noted that there is nothing new under the new law which changes the already existing rules for CASPs. These include prohibition of services to anonymous users by custodial crypto businesses, prohibiting CASPs to provide accounts for privacy coins, among others.

“Karena itu, ini juga bukan hal baru. Versi sebelumnya dari usulan AMLR mengusulkan pendekatan yang lebih ketat yang berarti KYC pada pencetus/penerima hak asuh mandiri, namun juga berkat upaya industri, pendekatan berbasis risiko dengan berbagai opsi akhirnya disepakati.”

Namun, perubahannya adalah, Parlemen sebelumnya mengusulkan amandemen untuk membatasi pembayaran pedagang dari dompet hak asuh mandiri menjadi €1K.

“This has been removed from the final, agreed on version,” wrote Hansen. “Therefore, you will be able to use your self-custody wallets for buying goods/services in the EU without any restrictions.”

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#Introduces #AntiMoney #Laundering #Regulation #Heres #Means #Crypto


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