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Tag: Crypto Nouvelles

Coronavirus, Drug Dealers and Buffett’s BTC: Bad Crypto News of the Week

The experts have had a rough few days. Anthony Pompliano, co-founder and partner at Morgan Digital Creek, spoke to CNN about Warren Buffett’s...

Le prix du Bitcoin dépasse 8.5 k $, mais un rebond important pourrait être en route. Voici pourquoi

Advertisement &  &  Bitcoin continued with its daily downtrend hitting new lows and has bounced off $8,455 yesterday. The daily RSI was getting dangerously...

Haussier pour Bitcoin : des réductions de taux induites par le COVID-19 sont à venir

Advertisement &  &  Global markets have been in a proverbial bloodbath over the past couple of days. Gold, which had defied the downtrend for...

Bitfinex rembourse 100 millions de dollars supplémentaires à Tether pour les pertes de 2018

Cryptocurrency exchange, Bitfinex said in a blog post on February 28, that it has repaid another $100,000,000 of the $700 million outstanding...

Analyse des prix des cryptomonnaies le 28 février : DASH, DOGE, ADA, TRON, XLM

Recently, most of the coins traded and reached the overbought region of the market. Nonetheless, DASH, Cardano, and TRON are recovering after...

Prévu? OKEx et Bitfinex subissent des attaques DDoS de haute qualité «similaires»

Within the last 24 hours, two popular cryptocurrency exchanges, OKEx and Bitfinex, have reported separate distributed denial-of-service attacks (DDoS) that could be...

Qu'est-ce que le commerce Algo en crypto-monnaie? Expliqué

Algorithm trading has been in stock markets for many years. In simple terms, algorithm trading refers to using a computer program or system to...

Meilleurs podcasts Blockchain, évalués et évalués pour 2019

Many investors value long-form discussions about blockchain and digital currencies, which has led to the popularity of crypto podcasts these past...

Binance Partners Shyft Network pour la conformité avec la règle de voyage du GAFI

Leading cryptocurrency exchange, Binance announced Thursday, February 27 that it has partnered with Shyft Network, a public blockchain protocol for assigning context,...

Ethereum Classic Labs partenaire Chainlink pour une intégration décentralisée d'Oracle

Ethereum Classic Labs, a San Francisco-based incubator that is concerned with accelerating the development and adoption of the Ethereum Classic community through...

Les mineurs sont-ils prêts à réduire de moitié le Bitcoin?

Anyone following crypto news has undoubtedly seen numerous articles that forecast Bitcoin’s (BTC) valuation following the upcoming halving slated to take place in... enregistre une croissance pour la première plateforme Web TV Blockchain dédiée aux clubs sportifs et aux athlètes

Sophia Antipolis (France) et Singapour : La première plateforme de web TV dédiée aux clubs sportifs et aux sportifs a ouvert en octobre 2018 et a...

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