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tag: Võrepõhine krüptograafia

Selle nädala vinged tehnikalood kogu veebist (kuni 25. juunini)

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Yann LeCun Has a Bold New Vision for the Future of AIMelissa Heikkiläarchive page and Will Douglas Heaven | MIT Technology Review“In a...

Veenuselt pärinev kosmiline tolm inspireerib uut õhusaastet hävitavat tehnoloogiat

Reducing carbon emissions from roads, railways, and shipping requires implementing a range of solutions simultaneously. As far as cars are concerned, cutting the number...

Autonoomne laev kasutas tehisintellekti, et ületada Atlandi ookeani ilma inimmeeskonnata

Just under 402 years ago, in August of 1620, the Mayflower set sail from Southampton, England, bound for America. The 100-foot-long-long, triple-masted wooden vessel...

Jaapan lõpetas just massiivse süvamere loodete turbiini katsetamise

A little over a year ago, a Scottish company called Orbital Marine Power was getting a two-megawatt tidal turbine up and running in the...

Need 3D-prinditud Millirobotid tunnevad ümbritsevat ja reageerivad sellele

The millirobot looked like an adorable cartoon vehicle as it expertly navigated a complex maze. It’s a strange creature: the bottom resembles a collapsed...

Teadlased kasutasid CRISPR-i, et jälgida iga inimgeeni funktsiooni

Genes are like Egyptian hieroglyphs. Thanks to advances in whole-genome sequencing, it’s increasingly easy to read each DNA letter. But the strings of A,...

Uusim intelligentsus
