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SandboxAQ tehisintellekti simulatsiooniplatvormide tootejuht Arman Zaribafiyan on IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 kõlar – Inside Quantum Technology


Arman Zaribafiyan, Head of Product for AI Simulation Platforms at SandboxAQ is a 2024 IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim speaker

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry postitatud 26

Dr Arman Zaribafiyan, currently serving as the Head of Product for AI Simulation Platforms at SandboxAQ, will be a key speaker at the upcoming IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim konverents. Zaribafiyan, the founder and former CEO of Hea keemia—a software startup acquired by SandboxAQ—is well-known for his innovative work in combining cloud computing, AI, and quantum computing to revolutionize the design and synthesis of new materials. His venture was based in Vancouver and has set significant benchmarks in the field.

Before his entrepreneurial success, Zaribafiyan was the CTO at 1QBit, where he spearheaded numerous strategic partnerships and cutting-edge research and development collaborations with major Fortune 100 companies. These collaborations included giants like Dow, Biogen, Mercedes Benz, AWS, Microsoft, and IBM, showcasing his ability to bridge the gap between quantum technologies and practical industrial applications.

At the IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim conference, Zaribafiyan is expected to delve into the synergies between AI and quantum computing, particularly focusing on how these technologies can be harnessed to accelerate innovations in material science, using his work at SandboxAQ as an example.

IQT Vancouver · Vaikse ookeani piirkond 2024: kvantarvuti, side ja turvalisus – teed reaalsete lahendusteni.

Kuna Vancouver on Põhja-Ameerika värav Vaikse ookeani äärde, IQT ja Quantum Algorithms Institute on kokku tuues partneritega üle Põhja-Ameerika ja Aasia, et tutvustada kvantarvutite, side ja turvalisuse olukorda. See rahvusvaheline konverents liigub kvant-hüpeest kaugemale, et tutvustada kvantarvutust, sidetehnoloogiaid ja kvantteadmisi reaalmaailmas. Sessioonidel rõhutatakse kvantalgoritmide praktilisi rakendusi ja võrgustike loomist farmaatsia-, transpordi-, rahandus- ja muudes tööstusharudes. Osalejate hulgas on tööstus- ja valitsusjuhid, lõppkasutajad ja investorid, kes saavad teada nende tehnoloogiate viimastest arengutest, ettevõtete kvantlahendusteks valmistumise viisidest ning eetikast ja poliitilistest kaalutlustest selles kiiresti kasvavas tööstuses.

Registreeruge IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 võistlusele siin. 

tehisintellekti, Konverents, kvantarvutus

Arman Zaribafiyan, IQT Vancouver, LiivakastAQ


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