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Numana Quantum Communication Initiative'i koordinaator Jacques Mc Neill on IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim 2024 kõlar – Inside Quantum Technology


Jacques Mc Neill, Quantum Communication Initiative Coordinator for Numana, is an IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim conference speaker for the 2024 event

By Kenna Hughes-Castleberry postitatud 16

Jacques Mc Neill, koordinaator Quantum Communication Initiative at Numana, brings a wealth of experience in fostering technological innovation to his role, which he will speak on at the IQT Vancouver/Pacific Rim konverents juunis 2024.

At Numana, a think-tank focused on emerging technologies, Mc Neill leads efforts in developing and implementing Kirq, the Québec Quantum communication network. This initiative is at the forefront of developing commercial applications that leverage the power of quantum communication. Mc Neill’s expertise extends to advising innovative SMEs and managing multi-partner R&D projects, such as ENCQOR, focused on 5G technology deployment, and LabVI, Canada’s first open-air laboratory for intelligent life.

His background as a high-tech entrepreneur and experience during the critical valley-of-death phase in innovations make him a key figure in transitioning quantum technologies from theoretical frameworks to practical applications. Mc Neill’s academic credentials include a BSc in Science and an MBA in Marketing and International Business from McGill University, underscoring his robust foundation in both scientific and commercial domains. His leadership extends beyond business development to impactful board roles at research organizations like RESMIQ and Prompt, where he served as chairman for two mandates.

At the upcoming IQT Vancouver conference, Jacques Mc Neill will share insights into the challenges and opportunities in deploying quantum communication networks, emphasizing the strategic importance of these technologies in advancing Canada’s position in the global quantum race. His session will explore the intricate relationships between academia, industry, and government necessary to drive the quantum communication agenda forward.

IQT Vancouver · Vaikse ookeani piirkond 2024: kvantarvuti, side ja turvalisus – teed reaalsete lahendusteni.

Kuna Vancouver on Põhja-Ameerika värav Vaikse ookeani äärde, on IQT ja Quantum Algorithms Institute kokku tuues partneritega üle Põhja-Ameerika ja Aasia, et tutvustada kvantarvutite, side ja turvalisuse olukorda. See rahvusvaheline konverents liigub kvant-hüpeest kaugemale, et tutvustada kvantarvutust, sidetehnoloogiaid ja kvantteadmisi reaalmaailmas. Sessioonidel rõhutatakse kvantalgoritmide praktilisi rakendusi ja võrgustike loomist farmaatsia-, transpordi-, rahandus- ja muudes tööstusharudes. Osalejate hulgas on tööstus- ja valitsusjuhid, lõppkasutajad ja investorid, kes saavad teada nende tehnoloogiate viimastest arengutest, ettevõtete kvantlahendusteks valmistumise viisidest ning eetikast ja poliitilistest kaalutlustest selles kiiresti kasvavas tööstuses.

Konverents, võrgustikud, kvantarvutus

IQT Vancouver, Jacques Mc Neill, numana


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