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Bitcoin-Verkaufsaufrufe gehen durch die Decke: Aber ist es wirklich an der Zeit zu verkaufen?


The story has not been any much different for Bitcoin, with its price still stuck in a consolidation range in the past week. The sluggishness of the premier cryptocurrency – and the general market – has continued despite the completion of the halving event over a week ago.

Das Halbierung des Ereignisses, which saw mining rewards take a significant cut, was expected to usher in another round of bullishness for the Bitcoin price. On the contrary, investors appear to be getting frustrated with the slow activity of the market, with many calling for the dump of BTC.

Bitcoin-Verkaufsaufrufe mit erhöhter Rate: Blockchain-Unternehmen

Gemäß einer kürzlich erschienenen Bericht by on-chain analytics firm Santiment, investors are increasingly calling for the sale of Bitcoin across social media following its latest drop toward $63,000. The relevant metric here is the “social volume” indicator, which tracks the number of unique posts and messages on different social platforms that mention a specific topic.

Santiment hat in der vergangenen Woche Daten zu „kaufen oder bullisch“, „verkaufen oder bärisch“ oder ähnliche Erwähnungen für die führende Kryptowährung gesammelt. Die On-Chain-Analyse zeigte dann eine Trendwende auf, wobei die bärischen Aufrufe versuchten, den bullischen Lärm in den sozialen Medien zu übertönen.


Social volume for Bitcoin over the past week | Source: Santiment/X

According to Santiment, Bitcoin’s recent fall to $63,000 resulted in the lowest level of buy and bullish calls since April 21st (just before BTC recovered back above $67,000). As shown in the chart above, the soziales Volumen for terms related to “sell” shot up after the price decline.

Typically, the increased bearish mentions of Bitcoin suggest a rising level of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) amongst investors. However, when traders seemingly become frustrated and impatient, there is usually a higher probability of a market rebound.

Fast 90 % der im Umlauf befindlichen BTC erwirtschaften einen Gewinn – Auswirkungen auf den Preis

Nach den letzten On-Chain-Daten, about 90% of Bitcoin in supply is in profit. On the surface, this basically implies that the most current holders of the premier cryptocurrency bought at a lower price compared to the current price.

Dies jedoch level of profitability can also be an overbought signal, especially after bullish periods like the one that occurred between October 2023 and March 2024. Ultimately, this suggests investors could see Bitcoin shed more of its price gains over the next coming weeks.

Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt beträgt der Wert von Bitcoin 63,077 US-Dollar, was einen Preisrückgang von 2 % in den letzten 24 Stunden widerspiegelt.


Bitcoin price falls to $63,100 on the daily timeframe | Source: BTCUSDT chart on TradingView

Vorgestelltes Bild von iStock, Chart von TradingView

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